Richard Griggs Psychology: A Concise Introduction, 3rd Edition Outline PowerPoints Chapter 9: Social Psychology © 2012 Worth Publishers
Chapter 9: Social Psychology I. How Others Influence Our Behavior A. Why We Conform 1. The Sherif Study and Informational Social Influence 2. The Asch Study and Normative Social Influence 3. Situational Factors That Impact Conformity B. Why We Comply 1. The Foot-in-the-Door Technique 2. The Door-in-the-Face Technique 3. The Low-Ball Technique 4. The That’s-Not-All Technique
Chapter 9: Social Psychology I. How Others Influence Our Behavior, cont. C. Why We Obey 1. Milgram’s Basic Experimental Paradigm 2. Milgram’s Initial Obedience Finding 3. Situational Factors That Impact Obedience 4. The “Astroten” Study 5. The Jonestown Massacre D. How Groups Influence Us 1. Social Facilitation 2. Social Loafing & the Diffusion of Responsibility 3. The Bystander Effect & the Kitty Genovese Case 4. Deindividuation 5. Group Polarization and Groupthink
Chapter 9: Social Psychology II. How We Think About Our Own and Others’ Behavior A. How We Make Attributions 1. Attributions for the Behavior of Others 2. Attributions for Our Own Behavior B. How Our Behavior Affects Our Attitudes 1. When Our Behavior Contradicts Our Attitudes 2. Festinger’s Cognitive Dissonance Theory 3. Bem’s Self-Perception Theory 4. The Impact of Role-Playing