Course Selection 2018-2019
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Lines 1 – 4: Required Core Subjects Required for graduation: 4 Years of English (English I, English II, English III plus 1 Advanced English course) 4 Years of Social Studies (World Geography, World History, US History, Government and Economics with AP Human Geography as an option) 4 Years of Math (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and at least 1 advanced Math depending on currect math level) 4 Years of Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics are required plus other science options) Stratford High School -8 courses instead of 7 courses—change this slide to reflect correct number.
English English I GL English I PAP
Language Arts Course of Studies Grade Level Pre-AP / AP English I EL112A / EL112B Pre-AP English I EL111A / EL111B
Entering Your Course Selection in Skyward Click on Course Requests: Courses for 2018-2019 To choose a course, highlight the course and click “Add Course”
Entering Your Course Selection in Skyward Select Your English Course This course spans 2 semesters, so it will appear twice in the “Courses Requested” Column
Social Studies World Geography GL World Geography PAP AP Human Geography *World History AP offered at MHS,SHS, SWHS and WAIS
History Course of Studies Grade Level Pre-AP AP World Geography SS132A / SS132B World Geography Pre-AP SS131A / SS131B AP Human Geography SS139A / SS139B
Entering Your Course Selection in Skyward Select Your Social Studies Course Remember: This course spans 2 semesters, so it will appear twice in the “Courses Requested” Column
Math Algebra I GL or Pre-AP Geometry GL or Pre-AP Algebra 2 GL or Pre-AP
Mathematics Course of Studies Grade Level Pre-AP Algebra I MT212A / MT212B Algebra I Pre-AP MT211A / MT211B Geometry MT312A / MT312B Pre-AP Geometry MT311A / MT311B Algebra II MT232A / MT232B Algebra II Pre-AP MT231A / MT231B
Entering Your Course Selection in Skyward Select Your Mathematics Course Remember: This course spans 2 semesters, so it will appear twice in the “Courses Requested” Column
Science Integrated Physics and Chemistry known as IPC GL For students struggling in math Mandatory if you fail Math STAAR Biology GL or Pre-AP
Science Course of Studies Grade Level Pre-AP IPC SC112A / SC112B None in IPC Biology I SC122A / SC122B Biology I Pre-AP SC121A / SC121B
Entering Your Course Selection in Skyward Select Your Science Course Remember: This course spans 2 semesters, so it will appear twice in the “Courses Requested” Column
Enter Your Electives: Lines 5-8 Required for graduation: Languages other than English: 2 years of the same language required to graduate Spanish, German, French, ASL, (Computer Science 1 & 2) 1 year of P.E. required (4 credits of P.E. can count towards the 26 credits you need to graduate) Athletics, Band, Dance, Team Sports, PE Tennis, Individual Sports (Spin Fit) 1 year of Fine Arts required (Band, Choir, Orchestra, Dance, Theater, Tech. Theater) Endorsement Electives: See Course Catalogue Stratford High School -8 courses instead of 7 courses—change this slide to reflect correct number.
Athletics Sport Boys Girls Football / Volleyball PB105A/B & HP110A/B PB112/B & HP111A/B Basketball PB1B2A/B & HP110A/B PB1G2A/B & HP111A/B Softball PB108A/B & HP111A/B Cross Country PB103A/B & HP110A/B PB103A/B & HP111A/B Track PB111A/B & HP110A/B PB111A/B & HP111A/B Tennis PB110A/B Swimming PB109A/B & HP110A/B PB109A/B & HP111A/B Diving PB104A/B & HP110A/B PB104A/B & HP111A/B Golf PB106A/B & HP110A/B PB106A/B & HP111A/B Soccer PB1B7A/B & HP110A/B PB1G7A/B & HP111A/B
Physical Education (PE) Course Course Number Team Sports HPE 141 / HPE 142 Individual Sports (Spin Fit) HPE131 / HPE132 Dance (Can count as either a PE or a Fine Art) PDND1A / PDND1B (PE Credit Class)
Fine Arts / Music / Theater Discipline Course Number Band 9 VBNI9A / VBNI9B Choir 9 VCXI9A / VCXI9B Orchestra 9 VORI9A / VORI9AB Theater Arts I PA611A / PA611B Tech Theater I PA621A / PA621B Art I FA112A / FA112B Dance (Pre-Drill) PA711A / PA711B Art II Drawing (Art I prerequisite) FA123A / FA123B Art II Photography FA127A / FA127B
Local Credits / Electives– What’s New? Local Credits / Electives– Check out the Course Catalogue on the Stratford Home Pages Anything beyond 2 or 3 credits of a foreign language counts as an academic elective. Inform students of the course options available at their campus.
Complete your Course Selection Worksheet. Include course #’s in lines 5-8.
Entering Your Course Selection in Skyward Now enter your 4 Elective Courses Suggestions: Physical Education Requirement or Competitive Sports Fine Arts Requirement Foreign Language Requirement Personal Interest or an endorsement elective