Do Now: “The first characteristic of the [supreme] prince is the power to make general and special laws…without the consent of superiors, equals, or inferiors. If the prince requires the consent of superiors, then he is a subject himself; if that of equals, he shares his authority with others; if that of his subjects, he is not supreme.” -Jean Bodin (1576)
Aim: How did monarchs rule Europe during the Age of Absolutism?
I. The Age of Absolutism -a period of time when monarchs (kings/queens) believed all power within their countries rested in their hands A. Absolutism-is a concentration of power in the hands of one person or a group of people B. Divine right-belief that a ruler’s authority comes directly from God C. Democracy-government ruled by the people
Aspects of Absolute Rule Authority comes from God Kings are God’s representatives on earth Disagreement with king is considered sacrilege (an unholy act) People have “no voice” in government Kings deserve unquestioned obedience
II. Absolutism in France A. King Louis XIV (1643-1715) was the most powerful king in Europe 1. Known as the “Sun King” LETAT C’EST MOI (I am the State) B. Lived life of luxury at Versailles
King Louis XIV The “Sun King”
Summary Could the theory of Absolutism survive in a changing world?
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