Fascism in Europe
Discussion What problems is Italy facing post WWI? Review Mussolini’s rise to power, what was the environment like in Italy at the time? Why was the Fascist party attractive, especially to the middle-class? Compare/Contrast Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini. What do we know at this point about Fascism? (traits)
Fascism An ideology or movement that exalts the nation above individual and calls for a centralized government with a dictatorial leader, economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
Fascism Fascism= emphasized loyalty to the state and obedience to its leader No defined economic theory or program Extreme form of nationalism Believed nations MUST struggle Peacefulness was a sign of weakness Peaceful states are doomed to be conquered Uniforms, salutes, mass rallies
Fascism Some similarity to political structures set up with communism Both allowed only one political party to exist Both denied individual rights Neither had any democracy at all Difference: fascists did not want a classless society All people are NOT equal
Fascism Fascist groups made up of many types of people Aristocrats, industrialists, war veterans, working class One other difference – fascists were nationalists while communists were INTERnationalists aimed at uniting workers worldwide
Totalitarianism A state characterized by government control over all aspects of economic, social, political, cultural, and intellectual life, the subordination of the individual to the state, and insistence that the masses be actively involved in the regime’s goals