CELL STRUCTURE & FUNCTION Chapter 3 Introductory video CELL STRUCTURE & FUNCTION Chapter 3
Essential Questions What are cells? What are some characteristics of eukaryotes? What are some characteristics of prokaryotes? What are the key differences and similarities between a eukaryote and a prokaryote? What are some examples of prokaryotes and eukaryotes? Georgia Perfomance Standard SB1 a: Students will analyze the nature of the relationships between structures and functions in living cells. Explain the role of cell organelles for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including the cell membrane, in maintaining homeostasis and cell reproduction.
The average human being is composed of around 100 trillion individual cells!!! It would take as many as 50 cells to cover the area of a dot on the letter “i”
I’m an amoeba-not only am I a cell, I am an entire organism Examples of Cells I’m an amoeba-not only am I a cell, I am an entire organism
Examples of Cells Cell walls in a pine needle
Examples of Cells Human nerve cell
Examples of Cells Smooth muscle cells
Bacterial cell in the straight swimming mode
red blood cells
Human heart cells
What is the largest human cell? Egg or ovum approximately 0.1 millimeter or 100 micrometers
What is one of the smallest human cells? Sperm cell or spermatozoa Approximately 5 micrometers
3.1 Cell Theory The cell theory grew out of the work of many scientists and improvements in the microscope.
Robert Hooke (1635-1703) Cell Theory 3.1 Used a simple microscope Looked at slices of cork Called the little chambers he saw CELLS
First to observe live organisms through a microscope Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1674 First to observe live organisms through a microscope
I called the wee creatures “animalcules”
In 1838, Matthias Schleiden, German botanist concluded that all plant tissues are composed of cells
1839- German physiologist, Theodor Schwann, concluded that all animal tissues are composed of cells.
Cell History 1858- Rudolf Virchow, German physician, concluded that cells must come from preexisting cells.
All of this research can be summarized in the Cell Theory
Three Parts of the Cell Theory One: All organisms are made of one or more cells
Two: All cells are produced Cell Theory Two: All cells are produced by existing cells.
Three: The cell is the basic unit of life
Biological organization follow this order: ATOMS __________ ORGANELLES MOLECULES
____________ make up TISSUES CELLS ____________ make up TISSUES Similar cells working together
___________ __________ ___________ ORGAN SYSTEMS ORGANS ORGANISM ___________ __________ ___________ Different tissues working together Different organs working together
How living things are organized.
Cells can be separated into two broad categories based on their internal structures: Prokaryote & Eukaryote
What do all cells have in common? All cells, prokaryotic or eukaryotic, are surrounded by a membrane. Within the membrane, all cells are filled with a jelly-like substance called cytoplasm.
The cytoplasm contains dissolved substances such as proteins, nucleic acids, mineral and ions.
Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes Some cells contain organelles-structures specialized to perform specific processes within a cell. Most organelles are surrounded by a membrane.
Prokaryotic Cells (prokaryotes) Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles.
Instead, the prokaryote’s DNA is loose in the cytoplasm
All prokaryotes are microscopic, single-celled organisms Bacterium (colored SEM; magnification 8800x) All prokaryotes are microscopic, single-celled organisms
Eukaryotic Cell (eukaryotes) Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells have a nucleus & other membrane-bound organelles
All bacteria & archea are prokaroytes
Some prokaryotes can live in exteme environments such as boiling hot water!
Prokaryotes are very old and were probably the first cells on Earth
Prokaryotes are the most abundant cell type
Most prokaryotes have a cell wall
Eukaryotes may be multi-celled or single-celled organisms
We are all Eukaryotes
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Who was the first person to see a cell? 1. Theodore Schwann 2. Rudolf Virchow 3. Matthias Schleiden 4. Robert Hooke
Prokaryote or eukaryote? Single-celled eukaryote. See the chloroplasts organelles?
Which of these biologists suggested that all animal tissues are composed of cells? 1. Theodore Schwann 2. Rudolf Virchow 3. Matthias Schleiden 4. Robert Hooke
Prokaryotes or Eukaryotes? Eukaryote- of course!
Which of the following is not a part of the cell theory? 1. All cells come from preexisting cells 2. All cells are structurally and functionally similar 3. All living things are composed of cells
Prokaryote or Eukaryote?
Prokaryote or Eukaryote?
Prokaryote or eukaryote?
Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote Venn Diagram Partner up with the person at your table: Without your notes, do your best to fill in the Venn diagram. Characteristics Specific organelles Examples -Use combination of text and drawings