The Proposed TT2A Target Experiment A.Fabich CERN AB/ATB 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Contents Physics goal Liquid target concept Experiment in TT2A layout subsystems Safety Time schedule Budget 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Target conversion tool withstand the power of multi-MW proton machines Target melting Target vaporization Beam-induced pressure waves Radiation damage Today we use/study solid and liquid targets. Solid targets not viable beyond 1MW proton power. 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Primary Target Configuration Contained SNS, ESS, MegaPie, … Hot issues: - cavitation - corrosion - beam window Free Surface Super-beam, -factory, … Hot issues: - violent explosion - mechanical challenge - Less experience R&D at Oakridge (US), Juelich (D), Villigen (CH), … 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Liquid Targets with free surface jet avoid beam window Mercury increased meson yield for high-Z materials, liquid at ambient temperature v~20 m/s live with target rupture and replace target at 50 Hz D= 1-2 cm Optimized for re-absorption of mesons B=20 Tesla collection of secondary mesons ??? What is the impact on the jet by 4 MW proton beam 20 T solenoidal field 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Experimental results CERN/BNL/GHMFL Magneto-fluid-dynamics Proton induced shocks At B=0 T At B=19.3 T Jet smoothing At B=19.3 T Tip shaping PSB/ISOLDE GHMFL BNL/AGS PS/TT2A NuFact p+/pulse 3 1013 ---- 0.4 1013 2.5 1013 B [T] --- 20 15 Hg target Static 15 m/s jet 2 m/s jet 20 m/s jet status DONE OPTIONAL NOMINAL So far no nominal test: 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Experimental Site Nufact Study 2 Beam Parameters: Exp. area: E951 16 TP (1012 Protons) per bunch 24 GeV, 1 MW Scenario 32 TP per bunch (x2 rep rate) 24 GeV, 4 MW Scenario BNL AGS capabilities 4 TP per bunch E951 experience 6 to 8 TP foreseen (with bunch merging) No multi-bunch single turn extraction (g-2 rebuild) CERN PS capabilities 5 TP per bunch normal operation 7 TP multi-bunches foreseen (for CNGS) Multi-bunch single turn extraction available 4 bunch flexible fill of PS from booster available (Pump-Probe capability) Exp. area: E951 Exp. area: TT2A provides needed space for in beam and peripheral installation smallest impact on other beam users 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Installations Solenoid Mercury circuit Diagnostics LN2 supply PS beam nToF target Solenoid Mercury circuit Diagnostics SAFETY Control room Power supply 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
TT2A tunnel 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
High Field Pulsed Solenoid Peter Titus, MIT collecting device for mesons 80 K Operation to optimize for costs 15 T with 4.5 MW Pulsed Power 15 cm warm bore (L=1m) 4.5 ton 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Power Supply Concentrates on evaluating a solution “available” at CERN (C.Martins): power supply Alice/LHCb 950 V, 7200 A size: ~10 m x 4 m x 3m, 40 tons installed in six pieces transformer (TRASFOR, IT), converter (Schneider Elec., FR) price/piece: 400 kChF to be installed in ISR Recently “old” WA power supply found, which needs refurbishment - evaluation ongoing 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Cryogenics Solution studied towards TT2A and “permanent” LN2 supply (fixed dewar) , F.Haug Currently designing general layout and flow scheme General safety memo on LN2 use already available Upcoming: first iteration with SC on flow scheme and operation 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Routing of transfer lines + vent lines magnet dewar warm vent cold vent About 60 m from target place to surface F.Haug, CERN AT/ECR 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Mercury target System contains Mercury loop Motor optical diagnostics Double containment Pump Reservoir Motor optical diagnostics 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Diagnostics Optical System Particle detector Direct observation of jet behavior Particle detector Interaction efficiency Primary Proton Beam intensity Beam position Magnetic field 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Optical diagnostics Fiber panels provide illumination Optical fiber bundles transport the image to a high speed camera 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Cavitation in Liquid targets Cavitation was already “observed” at ISOLDE Unfortunately only indirect observation by splash velocity No observation of sec.particle yield Does it reduce the secondary particle yield? Most probable not an issue for American NuFact design, but for facilities using “longer” pulses 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Pump-probe method momentum p = 26 GeV/c 4 bunches within 8 PS buckets at our discretion tpulse= 0.5-2 microseconds tbunch=50ns full length, peak-to-peak 250 ns spot size at target: ~1 mm r.m.s. Pump-Probe method for cavitation studies measure interaction efficiency by Disappearance of primaries Appearance of secondaries 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Varied parameters parameters to vary: Magnetic field (0-15 T) Pulse intensity (1-2530 1012 p.o.t.) Pulse length (0.5-2 s) Spot size Beam position (5 mm) Total number of protons on target (no tuning): < 3 1015 (~100 pulses) Needs ~2 weeks of beam time Does not include time for beam tuning 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Other installation items Peripheral layout around TT2A Transport Connection to power network Interlocks, control, timing PS beam control room … 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Safety Radiation Mechanical safety Mercury LN2 cooling SAFETY CONTACT PERSON FOR ALL MATTERS: Herve Buret Tel.: 160013 (replacement since Oct.2004, former Bruno PICHLER tel: 16 0889 or 73362 Responsible DSO of AB Paolo CENNINI General Safety Bruno PICHLER Radiation Thomas OTTO Gas and Chemicals Jonathan GULLEY Electricity Fritz SZONCSO Emergency stops Magnetic Field Laser Fire Fabio CORSANEGO (material also J.Gulley) Material Mechanical safety Alberto DESIRELLI -- --- --- --- --- also Maurizio BONA Cryogenics Gunnar LINDELL Radiation Mechanical safety Mercury LN2 cooling High magnetic field “Waste” management ----------- Memos available ------------- 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Safety Radiation (T.Otto) Mechanical safety (A.Desirelli) Integrated number of protons < 3 1015 (minimized) Mercury loop according to ISO2919 Mechanical safety (A.Desirelli) Double containment According to international standards of CODAP2000 or ASME Beam dump (T.Otto) protect nToF target Activation of area and mercury Access to TT2A during PS operation LN2 cooling High magnetic field “Waste” management Mercury returned to ORNL Solenoid shipped to US or Japan Power supply goes with solenoid Contaminated jet loop … and more 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Issue “solved” yesterday? Safe access to TT2A Close this gap? or install wall? beam stopper to be added to existing two? Issue “solved” yesterday? Interlock sufficient? 2 beam stopper only? dipoles Proposed shielding already installed: Iron z=1.6 m, h=3 m 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Approval LOI (Nov03) and proposal (May04) submitted to INTC perform a proof-of-principle test NOMINAL LIQUID TARGET for a 4 MW proton beam in solenoid for secondary particle capture single pulse experiment COMBINE PREVIOUS TEST SERIES Participating Institutes BNL CERN KEK MIT ORNL Princeton Univ. RAL INTC (spring) and research board (July): “… recommended for approval, but … … further information on the support for the proposed test from the relevant scientific community, on the safety issues, and on the resources requested from CERN.” Collaboration has answered and waits for RB 2nd December. 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Budget kChF Solenoid 1183 Power Supply 611 Cryogenic System 390 Hg Jet System 169 Beam Diagnostics 98 Support Services 234 TOTAL 2700 kChF Spent to date 1000 kChF Including local manpower: 1 man*month=10kChF 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Time schedule 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 April final run at PS start-up Autumn LOI 2004 March detailed study at CERN (ongoing) Spring solenoid constr. launched Spring proposal to INTC 2005 January solenoid delivered to MIT Spring purchase of power supply Summer solenoid test finished 2006 January Construction of mercury loop Winter installation at CERN during shut-down 2007 April final run at PS start-up 2 weeks of PS beam time Does not include beam tuning 2 weeks of removal and reinstallation for nToF operation 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
Summary Studies on solid targets are ongoing, but these are not suitable for a beam power >1.5 MW Step-by-step R&D on liquid jet targets has been very successful. needed proof-of-principle test jet target in a magnetic field exposed to a proton beam B = 0 Tesla corresponds to target option for e.g. super-beam, Eurisol, …. TT2A is a highly suitable location Major technical and safety issues have been discussed and positively concluded Waiting approval of research board 2nd December 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
discussion Access during PS operation Beam parameters NO access would be a show-stopper Beam parameters Spot size Maximum beam momentum Maximum beam intensity Maximum pulse length Temporary modification of beam line Remove some beam elements Installation/reconnection of a quadrupole outside FODO Displace quadrupoles Control room space in ISR 25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB
25.Nov 2004 A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB