Informal Sector Statistics Cambodia Informal Sector Statistics Informal Sector Statistics Training Bangkok, Thailand | 14-15 November 2017
Outline of presentation Definition of informal sector Status of the informal sector in your country Country policies for informal sector Current statistics being produced What data sources do you collect? National Accounts and the informal sector Country specific issues in statistics Development plans How development partners can help
Definitions The term “informal economy” refers to very small-scale units producing and distributing goods and services. These units are composed of independent, self-employed producers, family labour, hired workers or apprentices. These units: operate with very little capital or none at all; utilise a low level of technology and skills;
Definitions These units: operate at a low level of productivity; generally provide very low and irregular income, and highly unstable employment for those who work in them.
Definitions They are “informal” in the sense that they are mostly: unregistered and unrecorded in official statistics and thus not recognised, supported or regulated by the government; have little or no access to organized markets, credit institutions, formal education and training institutions, or to many public services and amenities; are compelled to operate outside the legal framework and beyond the pale of social protection, labour legislation and protective measures, even if they are registered and respect certain aspects of the law self-employed producers, family labour, hired workers or apprentices.
Definitions They are :
Status of informal sector statistics Informal sector estimated of 37% of GDP in 2011 and keep declining over the years 56% of labour force based on labor force survey 2015 and Cambodia economic census 2011. SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth (employment and Real GDP) SDG 10 – Reduced inequalities (education, health, SSS…)
Country polices Currently the RGC promoted the informal sector through Provide training/skill Keep economic growth Support agriculture sector Others
Data sources Cambodia economic census 2011 Intercencal economic survey 2014 Labor force survey 2015 Socio-economic survey 2014-2016 Administrative data
National Accounts Cambodian National accounts included production of informal sector and some adjustment has been made. Total employment Total informal employment GVA per worker Total GVA of informal adjusted according to productivities
Issues Data sources SDG indicators for goals 8 &10 Lack of data sources Administrative data SDG indicators for goals 8 &10
Development plans for NSO Plans to develop and enhance informal sector statistics Conduct informal economic survey one every five years (put in NSDS) High priorities for the development of informal sector statistics
Development partners TA support/training High priorities for development partner assistance