FoodForum, 2007 Lay it on Lasagne
Ingredients: 1 quantity of Bolognese sauce, 250g lasagne sheets, 1 quantity of white sauce + 100g Cheddar cheese and 1 x 15ml spoon grated parmesan cheese.
1. Make a quantity of white sauce by the all-in-one method, using 600ml milk, 50g butter or margarine, 50g plain flour, 1 teaspoon mustard paste.
2. When cooked, remove from the heat and add 100g grated Cheddar cheese. Stir until it melts.
To assemble the lasagne, start with a layer of Bolognese sauce in the bottom of an oblong, oven-proof dish.
4. Cover with lasagne sheets. Overlap slightly for a good fit.
5. Pour a layer of cheese sauce over the pasta 5. Pour a layer of cheese sauce over the pasta. Repeat the layers, ending with the rest of the cheese sauce.
6. Sprinkle 1 x 15ml (tablespoon) grated parmesan cheese over the top.
7. Bake in a moderate oven, gas mark 4/5 or 180/190°C for 30-40 minutes.
8. When cooked, the top should be golden brown.
9. Garnish before serving 9. Garnish before serving. You can adapt the bolognaise sauce for vegetarians by using beans or lentils instead of meat.