The Periodic Table Look on the back cover of your book to use periodic table as a reference.
Make a solid black line representing the division between metals and nonmetals Write: Metals Write: nonmetals
Make sure you write your answers on your worksheet. Metals Make sure you write your answers on your worksheet. increase in reactivity Fr Increase in reactivity Properties of Metals Good conductors of heat and electricity Malleable - can be hammered into rolled sheets Ductile - can be drawn into wires Shiny High melting and boiling points High density Mostly solids
Make sure you write your answers on your worksheet. Nonmetals Make sure you write your answers on your worksheet. Reactivity Nonmetal Properties Poor conductors of heat and electricity Dull Low melting and boiling points Brittle Can be solid, liquid or gas
Make sure you write your answers on your worksheet. Metalloids Make sure you write your answers on your worksheet. Metalloid Properties Shiny or dull Conduct heat and electricity… not as well as metals Have other properties of metals and nonmetals
Periods run down the side and form rows of “periods.” Write the period numbers down the side of your periodic table and answer the questions on your worksheet. 1 2 3 4 This is period number 3 which means it has 3 energy levels. 5 6 7
Periods represent the number of outer rings or what scientists call “energy levels” of electrons. Energy Level 1: H & He Locate both on your periodic table electron
Periods represent the number of outer rings or what scientists call “energy levels” of electrons. Energy Level 2: Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F & Ne Locate them on your periodic table
Periods represent the number of outer rings or what scientists call “energy levels” of electrons. Energy Level 3: Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S Cl & Ar Locate them on your periodic table
The group numbers on top form columns for “groups” or “families.” Write the group numbers across the top of your periodic table and answer the questions on your worksheet. 1 18 2 13 14 15 16 17 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 This is group 1 the alkali group. Families have similar but not identical characteristics
Color the transition metals purple. Characteristics Iron, copper, and silver are examples Groups 3 through 12 Includes 1 or 2 electrons on their outer level Less active than alkali metals and alkaline earth metals Many gemstones contain transition metals 1. Write down the characteristics on the worksheet. 2. Fill in the symbols of the transition metals. 3. Color the transition metals on the periodic table.
Color the alkali metals green. Characteristics Highly reactive Have 1 electron on outer energy level Make salts such as NaCl and KCl Lithium - Treatment for bi-polar disorder 1. Write down the characteristics on the worksheet. 2. Fill in the symbols of the alkali metals. 3. Color the alkali metals on the periodic table.
Color the alkaline earth metals brown. Characteristics Not found free in nature Have 2 electrons on outer energy level Found in gemstones and fireworks Magnesium burns brightly. Strong and light material used to make cars, planes, and baseball bats Calcium makes bones strong. 1. Write down the characteristics on the worksheet. 2. Fill in the symbols of the alkaline earth metals. 3. Color the alkaline earth metals on the periodic table.
Color the halogens yellow. Characteristics Chlorine is the most abundant Have 7 electrons on outer energy level Chlorine bleaches are used in disinfecting water. Bromine is used as dyes in cosmetics Iodine (shiny gray) is essential in the production of thyroxin. 1. Write down the characteristics on the worksheet. 2. Fill in the symbols of the halogens. 3. Color the halogens on the periodic table.
Color the noble gases pink. Characteristics Noble gases normally don’t mix with other compounds Have 2 or 8 electrons on their outer energy level (full) Uses: Neon lights, laser lights... 1. Write down the characteristics on the worksheet. 2. Fill in the symbols of the noble gases. 3. Color the noble gases on the periodic table.
Lanthanide Series Actinide Series Indicate the lanthanide and actinide series on your periodic table with the colored dots.