youth rights
structure general information about youth rights rights for young people Which are these rights? youth protection laws 3.1 employment protection act for young people 3.2 age ratings of new media 3.2.1comparison between Germany and England history of youth rights 4.1 until modern age 4.2 in the early modern times 4.3 first half of the 20th century 5. Which rights don’t have young people?
general information about youth rights the rights of the youths are the rights, that every child and teenagers have they are in the UN – Convention of the rights of the youths determined, which was adopt at the 20. November 1989 - the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” where the basis for them all human rights are lawfully entitled to all youths the convention of the rights of the youths has 54 articles and some further articles to the participation of youths in armored conflicts and the sale of children or teenagers
rights for young people nondiscrimination: the state has to protect the youths to any form of discrimination the right to development: every youth has the right to live, to survive and development the right of education: every youth has the right to get education the consideration of the opinion of the youth: youths have the right to say, in all businesses which concern to them, their own opinion and this have to be considerate according to age and maturity of the teenager or child
youth protection laws protection of the identity and privacy protection against separation of the parents (when it isn’t against the well – being of the youth) protection against media, violence and so on protection against exhaustion as worker
employment protection act for young people the law to protect youths during their work borders the work in one five – day – week to 40 hours at a work time with 4,5 to 6 hours has the youth 30 minutes break when the teenager works longer than 6 hours he has one hole hour break the first break has to be at latest after 4,5 hours, has to go on at least 15 minutes and at earliest one hour after beginning and at latest one hour before the ending of the work for young people
employment protection act for young people according to age, the youths have the claim to different time of holiday: for 15- years old pupils 30 days, for 16-years old youths 27 days and for 17-years old teenagers 25 days of holiday the minimum age to have the permission to work is 15 years for working in the agriculture or bring the newspaper there are exceptions the general working – time in just in the period of time between 6am and 8pm
age ratings of new media USK & FSK there is one age rating system in Germany, called USK & FSK the USK rating is used for Video Games the FSK is used for movies or web clips
age ratings of new media examples for USK & FSK
age ratings of new media age ratings in England in England are also age rating systems mostly there are no differents between the rating, but sometimes there are some English system German system
age ratings of new media additional information in England are in addition to the normal age classification notes on specific content violence sexual content discrimination gambling fear bad language drugs internet
age ratings of new media comparison between Germany & England English system German system The same game, but different ratings in Germany and England.
history of youth rights until modern age the children and teenagers had to subordinate there selves to their parents and where seen as the property of their parents in the ancient Rome, the patriarch could decide if a newborn baby can live or should die
history of youth rights in the early modern times First after the French revolution there where improvements for the rights of the youths, but which were just in the plateau of the work protection 1899 was the work for children in factories in Great Britain forbidden 1896 there were introduce punishments for brutal or coarse associate with children cause of parents or teachers 1899 there were build special courts for youths in the USA, because till then the teenagers and children where treat like adults the rights for youths were defined exactly and the „care and control“ – law, the protection of youths and the separate criminal law relating to young offenders became extended
history of youth rights first half of the 20th century the compulsory school attendance was determined the English teacher Eglantyne Jebb founded the committee „Save the Children“ where elaborated on the interests of the youths she wrote a Five – Point – Program which contained the basis – rights of the youths this Charta was adopt 1924 by the „League of Nations” 1946 the „Save the Children“ organization was dissolve and the Charta including the rights of youths loses its base 1920 wrote the polish doctor and pedagogue Janusz Korczak in a book, that youths should have the same rights as adults he was his time ahead with this book and so he got no support
history of youth rights first half of the 20th century 1990 there was the first world - children – and youths - summit where the „A World fit for Children“ program, which is to protect and develop youths, was wrote at the second world - children – and youths - summit 2002 the last paragraphs where added the “A World fit for Children” program wasn’t build just by the representatives of 180 states, but also by some youths which were at the summit all states of the earth besides Somalia and the USA ratified the conventions of the rights of the youths, but there are still much breaches of them
Which rights don’t have young people? People under 18… … are not allowed to take part in political elections … are not allowed to buy or drink (strong) alcoholic drinks … are not allowed to play gambling games or to go to casinos … are not allowed to smoke … are only allowed to visit some discos
Thank you for listening youth rights