Review for Unit 2 Test Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009
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Vocabulary Human Rights Vocabulary Part 2 100 200 300 400 500 The Canadian Charter Human Rights Vocabulary Part 2 100 200 300 400 500
Vocabulary- 100 A legal and moral entitlement that citizens can expect from their government The right to conduct one’s affairs without government interference
Answer 1 – 100 Rights and Freedoms
Vocabulary - 200 To protect and guarantee a right or freedom by ensuring that it can be changed by an amendment to the Constitution.
Answer 1 – 200 Entrench
Vocabulary- 300 What is the difference between discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping?
Answer 1 – 300 Discrimination: Action or Behavior stemmed from prejudice Prejudice: Judgment based on irrelevant considerations or inadequate knowledge Stereotype: Judgments based on exaggerated Characteristics about groups applied to individual
Identify the difference between a respondent and complainant? Vocabulary - 400 Identify the difference between a respondent and complainant?
Answer 1 – 400 Respondent: the person or organization that the complainant alleges committed discrimination Complainant: the person making an allegation of discrimination
What legal rights our outlined in s. 12- 14 in the Charter? Vocabulary - 500 What legal rights our outlined in s. 12- 14 in the Charter?
Answer 1 – 500 12- Cruel + Unusual Punishment 13- Rights of Witnesses in Court 14- Right to Interpreter
What is s. 33 of the Charter called? What does it outline? The Canadian Charter- 100 What is s. 33 of the Charter called? What does it outline?
Answer 2 – 100 Notwithstanding Clause Allows federal + provincial governments to pass Legislation that is exempt from s. 2 to ss. 7 – 15 of the Charter
List 2 democratic rights listed in the Charter. The Canadian Charter - 200 List 2 democratic rights listed in the Charter.
Answer 2 – 200 Citizen vote in an election Elect a new gov’t every 5 years Hold an assembly once a year
The Canadian Charter - 300 What is S. 2 of the Charter known as? Identify its 4 components + give a case discussed in class that deals with it.
Answer 2 – 300 Fundamental Freedoms a) Religion + Conscience b) Expression c) Peaceful Assembly d) Association
What is s. 15 of the Charter? What rights does it outline? The Canadian Charter - 400 What is s. 15 of the Charter? What rights does it outline?
Answer 2 – 400 Equality; equal before + under the law; Equal protection + benefit of law; applied equally without discrimination
The Canadian Charter - 500 Identify + Explain the 5 legal rights that the Charter outlines in s. 7-11 with regards to our treatment in criminal law.
Answer 2 – 500 7- Life, Liberty + Security of Person 8- Unreasonable Search + Seizure 9- Arbitrary Detention or Imprisonment 10- Rights Under Arrest 11- Rights When Charged w/ A Criminal Offense
Human Rights - 100 Created by Diefenbaker in 1960, First attempt to codify rights + Freedoms in Canada.
Canadian Bill of Rights Answer 3 – 100 Canadian Bill of Rights
Human Rights - 200 Identify the 5 areas that the OHRC protects Individuals from discrimination
Answer 3 – 200 Contracts, Goods + Services, Employment, Accommodation + Occupancy, Involvement in Vocational Activities
Compare + Contrast following terms: Human Rights - 300 Compare + Contrast following terms: Direct Discrimination, Constructive Discrimination and Systemic Discrimination
Answer 3 – 300 Constructive: employment policies that inadvertently exclude certain individuals, resulting in discrimination Direct: an overt act of discrimination Systemic: patterns of behavior, policies or practices that are part of organization, which create disadvantage for racialized persons
Human Rights - 400 Identify the relationship between the terms: Accommodation + Undue Hardship
Answer 3 – 400 A: eliminate or adjust requirements or conditions to enable a person to carry out the essential duties of an activity or job UH: The result of a change that would affect the economic validity of an enterprise or produce a substantial health + safety risk that outweighs the benefit of accommodation.
List 4 Remedies that are available when Discrimination occurs: Human Rights - 500 List 4 Remedies that are available when Discrimination occurs:
Answer 3 – 500 - Ordering person to stop discrimination - Issuing a letter of apology - Pay Complainant for mental anguish or loss of pay or benefits Employer must give back job Anti-discrimination training for employees
Vocabulary Part 2- 100 Guaranteed entitlements that cannot be transferred from one person to another
Answer 4 – 100 Inalienable Rights
Vocabulary Part 2- - 200 Identified within S. 2(a) of the charter; refers to the ability to spread ideas widely without persecution.
Answer 4 – 200 Dissemination
Vocabulary Part 2 - 300 Listed within S. 6 (Mobility Rights) of the Charter; surrendering an accused person to another jurisdiction to stand trial.
Answer 4 – 300 Extradition
Vocabulary Part 2 - 400 Legally compelling unless disproved by contrary evidence
Answer 4 – 400 Prima Facie Case
Vocabulary Part 2- 500 Define the term Bona Fide Occupational Requirement; + Give an example of a case that demonstrates it (not discussed in class)
Answer 4 – 500 Bona Fide Occupational Requirement: A qualification that would normally be considered discrimination but it necessary for proper or efficient job performance
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