Aim: Describe the Church’s Structure, Power, & Influence
The Structure Of The Church Amid weak central governments in feudal Europe, the Church emerged as a powerful institution Church had its own organization Power based on status Structure consisted of different ranks of Clergy (Body of Religious Officials) Pope in Rome headed Church Bishops and Priests fell under Pope Bishops supervised priests Priests were lowest ranking member of clergy 2
Religion as a Unifying Force Church was a stable force during an era of constant warfare & political turmoil Provided Christians with sense of security and of belonging Medieval Christians’ lived harsh lives Followed the same path to Salvation (Everlasting life in heaven) Priests administered the Sacraments Important religious ceremonies At the local level, village church was a unifying force in the lives of most people Served as a religious and social center 3
The Law of the Church Church’s authority was both religious and political Church created a system of injustice to guide people’s conduct All subject to Canon Law (Church Law) Harshest Punishments (Excommunication & Interdict) Pope used punishment to wield power over political rulers Excommunication (Banishment) meant that king was denied salvation Under Interdict, Sacraments couldn’t be performed- Without sacraments, kings may be doomed to Hell 4