The Crucible Act Iv Vocabulary
Agape With the mouth wide open as in wonder or awe
Beguile (verb) Charm or attract someone (sometimes in a deceptive way) Beguiling-Adjective In the painting The Beguiling of Merlin, we see another version of the subject of the magician Merlin succumbing to the charms of the sorceress Nimue.
Cleave 1) Split or sever something 2) stick or hold together and resist separation
Disputation Debate or argument Formal academic debate
Gaunt (person) lean and haggard especially because of suffering, hunger, or age
Gibbet Noun- gallows Verb- to hang a body on a gibbet(gallows)
Indictment A formal charge or accusation of a serious crime
Reprieve Verb- Cancel or postpone the punishment of someone Noun- Cancellation of a punishment
Sibilance A hissing sound (sip, zip, ship)
Excommunication to cut off from communion with a church or exclude from the sacraments of a church