Degree level apprenticeship in occupational therapy Fringe Session Maureen Shiells Pre-registration Education Manager Royal College of Occupational Therapists London #RCOT2018 @MMShiells
Quick facts about Degree Apprenticeships employee led designed to offer an alternative route into the registered healthcare professions in England only evolved policy matters for each UK home nation RCOT has been involved in the Trailblazers since the beginning
The Trailblazer experience
Key points Important that apprentices experience same opportunities to engage in analytical skills, clinical reasoning and research as full time degree occupational therapy students Apprenticeships must be well balanced between time on the job and in study – the academic element will be delivered by local HEIs An end point assessment (EPA) will be taken by the apprentice, integrated between practical and academic learning
Later this afternoon
A few key resources UK Government webpages on the apprenticeship levy - The Institute for Apprenticeships (IfA) - Universities UK -