Out and About Kód ITMS projektu: 26110130519 Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia Out and About Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet Anglický jazyk Ročník, triedy: Príma Tematický celok: Voľný čas Vypracoval: Ing. Diana Matisová Dátum: 1.2014
CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES What do you see in these pictures? How do we call these places? a capital city a city a village a town
PLACES IN THE TOWN amusement park water park What are the names of these places? Which of them do you have in your town? How often do you go there? Which of them would you like to have in your town? amusement park water park
PLACES IN THE TOWN ZOO ice rink Internet café skateboard park
PLACES IN THE TOWN outdoor swimming pool indoor swimming pool beach shopping centre
PLACES IN THE TOWN cinema theatre gym bowling alley
QUICK QUIZ EXERCISE: Where would you go when you want to... internet café chat with your friends on internet? have a swim in winter? buy new T-shirt and trousers? do sport? read books? see wild animals? see a new film? have fun with your friend? indoor swimming pool shopping centre gym library zoo cinema amusement park
TOWN – SIGHTSEEINGS manor house castle What are the names of these sightseeings? Do you have them in your town or surroundings? manor house castle
TOWN – SIGHTSEEINGS church cathedral museum watch tower
ROŽŇAVA AND ITS SURROUNDINGS What interesting places are there in Rožňava and its surroundings? Watch Tower Rožňava Castle Krasna Horka Manor House Betliar Mausoleum Krasna Horka
NP – SLOVAK PARADISE dam - Dedinky waterfalls views chains ledders
NP – SLOVAK KARST hundreds of caves ruins views
CAVES – SLOVAK KARST What is the name of this cave? DOBŠINSKÁ ICE CAVE
CAVES – SLOVAK KARST OCHTINSKÁ ARAGONIT CAVE What is the name of this cave? OCHTINSKÁ ARAGONIT CAVE There are only 3 caves in the world. Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina
CAVES – SLOVAK KARST DOMICA CAVE Boat trip What is the name of this cave? DOMICA CAVE Boat trip
CAVES – SLOVAK KARST SILICKA ICE CAVE No enterance fee What is the name of this cave? SILICKA ICE CAVE No enterance fee
CAVES – SLOVAK KARST KRASNOHORSKA CAVE What is the name of this cave? KRASNOHORSKA CAVE Ledder and chains, special costume Bones of Neanderthal
CAVES – SLOVAK KARST GOMBASECKA CAVE Typical staws What is the name of this cave? GOMBASECKA CAVE Typical staws
CAVES – SLOVAK KARST JASOVSKA CAVE Bones of bear What is the name of this cave? JASOVSKA CAVE Bones of bear
QUICK QUIZ What are the names of two NP near Rožňava? What are the names of caves which are near Rožnava? How many aragonit caves are there in the world? Which NP is known for its ledders and chains? Where are the ruins of Turniansky Castle? Where is possible a boat trip in a cave? Which caves have ice? Are the caves open during the whole year? Where were found the bones of a bear?
QUICK QUIZ 10. Where were found the bones of a Neaderthal? 11. Which cave you don´t have to pay for? 12. Which cave is near the village Stratena, Plesivec, Krasnohorska Dlha Luka, Jasov, Ochtina? 13. What are the names of two plateaus near Rožňava? 14. How do we call the river which flows through RV? 15. Where is a castle, manor house and mausoleum near Rožňava? 16. What places near Rožňava have you visited? 17. What places near Rožňava would you like to visit?
Použité zdroje http://www.lgtrade.sk/en/natural-monuments http://www.slovakia.com/places/ http://www.enviromagazin.sk/enviro2012/enviro5/20_historicke.pdf