Our Mainframe Applications and Subsystems z/OS Concepts and Components 75 minutes 45 minutes = Datatrain Course Modules PowerPoint Our Mainframe Applications and Subsystems Mainframe Evolution Major Components of the z/OS System Compilers, Binders and Utilities How z/OS Processes I/O 50 minutes Basic z/Architecture Multiprocessing 40 minutes Graphic: Insert your organization’s name in the above slide. Audio: will need to cover the following: Welcome to the “Our Mainframe Applications and Subsystems” presentation. My name is _____, I work in the ___ department and have worked in our organization’s data center for ___ years (This should be expanded so the learner is confident that you have the right credentials to create this presentation.). This PowerPoint presentation follows on from two introductory Datatrain courses and expands on that content to explain the core products that are run in our environment. Any questions about the content of this presentation or the Datatrain modules mentioned above should be forwarded to _______ so they can be included in the Webinar, which appears at the end of the “Monitoring the z/OS” learning pathway. Our Mainframe Applications and Subsystems Company Name Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Presentation Topics What core system software products do we have and how are they used? Who is responsible for them? How are they started and stopped? Audio: will need to cover the following: The last Datatrain module you completed in this pathway, described many possible software products that could be implemented on a mainframe system. In this presentation you will see which of these are installed on our system, their purpose and how you may be likely to interact with them. We will also briefly look at the people and groups that are responsible for monitoring and maintaining these products, which is useful if you are analyzing a problem and need to contact a specific product’s owner. Finally we will examine how these products are started and stopped. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
JES2/JES3 How do we use JES? What consequences are there if there is a problem with JES? Who manages and monitors this product? Audio: will need to cover the following: Explain whether JES2 or JES3 is used and why. You may want to reiterate how JES is used to process batch jobs, and describe what types of batch jobs are run within the organization. Describe the consequences if there is a problem with JES (i.e. obviously no jobs , started tasks or TSO users could run) If there is a problem with this product then the system programmers will be responsible for fixing it. It is normally started, when the system is started and never stopped unless there is a failure with it (rare) or the system needs to be re-IPLed. Discuss how parameters can be used in its startup process allowing operators to dictate to the type of actions to be performed (i.e. warm, cold and hot start). Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
System Automation What do we have implemented and what is its purpose? Who is responsible for managing this product? Audio: will need to cover the following: It would be beneficial to describe what occurred in your Data Center before system automation was implemented (i.e. responding to events/messages) and problems that occurred when this process was manually performed. A good opportunity to provide a real-life story on the benefits that system automation has brought to the organization. You will need to describe the system automation product(s) installed (i.e. Tivoli system automation for z/OS, CA OPS/MVS, BMC MainView AutoOPERATOR for z/OS) and the types of events they are used to automate. You will need to mention the team/people responsible for identifying items to be included in the automation. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Interaction with the z/OS System How is TSO/ISPF configured in our environment? Who uses these products? Graphics: You may want to include a graphic of the ISPF primary panel to show how it differs from those displayed in the Datatrain modules. Audio: will need to cover the following: Describe how the system programmers have modified the ISPF interface to make it easier for various personnel within the organization to access products they need to use. If a graphic is shown of the ISPF primary panel, then briefly highlight the differences. Explain how ISPF is used by people such as system programmers, application programmers, operators and describe some of the functions they would perform with this product. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Databases What databases does our organization store data in? Who maintains these environments Audio: will need to cover the following: Mention how the Datatrain courses discussed DB2 for z/OS as a key strategy for storing data on the mainframe. Describe the database structure used by your organization and why it was selected. You may also want to discuss who accesses this data (i.e. customers through the web, business analysts, application programmers) and for what reasons. You should also mention whose responsibility it is to monitor and manage the database environment (i.e. DBA) and describe how they are started normally (i.e. automatically), and if there are problems (i.e. manually by the operator). Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Data Security Software What data security products does our organization use? What is my involvement with security? Audio: will need to cover the following: The Datatrain courses you have completed discussed how IBM’s RACF is commonly used by organizations to manage access to their mainframe data. You will need to describe the security product used by your organization (i.e. could be RACF or something like CA top Secret or CA-ACF2). You may also want to discuss how the product you use was selected (i.e. integrates best with other products you have implemented). In order to keep the learner’s interest, you need to mention what the learner’s involvement is with the mainframe software (i.e. who they should contact if they are unable to access data they require, action taken if they believe data security has been compromised, interpreting security software messages). You should also discuss how the security software is started and stopped (and the consequences associated with this) and whose responsibility it is to ensure it is running correctly. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Other System Software What other core software should I be aware of, and why? Pre-Presentation development: You will need to identify any other software you think is important enough to be included in this presentation (i.e. DFSMS, WLM, SDSF, VTAM, TCP/IP, CICS, IMS, and MQSeries are briefly discussed in Datatrain courses prior to this presentation), and discuss how it is implemented in your environment and the learner’s interaction with it. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
z/OS Concepts and Components 75 minutes 45 minutes = Datatrain Course Modules PowerPoint Our Mainframe Applications and Subsystems Mainframe Evolution Major Components of the z/OS System Compilers, Binders and Utilities How z/OS Processes I/O 50 minutes Basic z/Architecture Multiprocessing 40 minutes Summary Core system software – what we use, how it is used and how it affects you. Audio: will need to cover the following: You will need to provide an overview of the content covered in this presentation. As you can see by the learning path graphic shown here, your next step in the training focuses on three Datatrain modules: “Compilers, Binders and Utilities”, “How z/OS Processes I/O” and “Basic z/Architecture Multiprocessing”, which will wrap up this pathway. The learning pathway following this focuses on z/OS system architecture. Thank you for attending. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence