2018 Regional Symposium and TTX with Functional Elements
Agenda For Today 10 Welcome and Introductions 10:10 Speaker: Angela Mens-Eastman 11:00 Speaker: Steve Vargo 11:45 Lunch 12:15 Exercise 2:15 Hotwash
Exercise for Tanker Accident
Exercise Capabilities Critical Transport Operational Coordination (Emergency Ops Coordination) Operational Communications (Info Sharing)
Objectives Critical Transport Ensure appropriate levels of critical transport throughout simulated event.
Objectives Operational Coordination (Emergency Operations Coordination) Demonstrate ability to activate ICS/Command Post/EOC. Ensure coordinated response throughout simulated event by activating and sustaining the incident command system.
Objectives Operational Communications (Information Sharing) Ensure situational awareness throughout simulated event by maintaining a common operating picture. Determine communication plan
Situation Report #1 At 12:00pm on May 25th, 2018 a tanker truck heading northbound was hit outside your local government building by a one ton pickup truck. The tanker truck is carrying a chemical. There is a low yellow-green cloud that has formed. Unknown: The exact chemical or if there is a potential risk for fire.
Sit Rep 1 – Questions to Drive Play How are you notified? What are your immediate actions? How is internal notification occurring? How is external notification occurring?
Sit Rep #2 - Update Dispatch is overwhelmed with 9-1-1 calls Victims are reporting to the local ED. People are presenting with difficulty breathing, nausea, and severe cough. At this time the agent has not been officially identified, but there have been reports of a strong odor, along with the cloud. People are trying to evacuate.
Sit Rep 2 – Questions to Drive Play Who are you in contact with to share and receive information? How and how often is information being shared? How are operations running at your facility? If decontamination is needed what is the process? If decontamination is not needed, why? What information is being shared with the public? Who is in charge? How is it being shared?
Sit Rep #3 The hazardous substance has been identified as chlorine gas, and has spread due to wind. The cloud is reaching a long-term care facility, and at the verge of encompassing a school and local businesses/neighborhoods. HVAC at the long-term care facility has been compromised. Calls are still being received by dispatch and additional reporting to the emergency departments is occurring. Emergency Management is requesting that shelters be opened.
Sit Rep #3 – Questions to Drive Play What do operations look like in your facility? Have you activated ICS? What were your triggers? What does your ICS look like? (describe your org chart) Are evacuations occurring within your facility? Or are you involved? What is the process? Are you in communication with the same or new partners? What resources are available for transportation? Have alternative care sites been identified? How is patient tracking occurring? LTCF develop talking points for contacting families and process for contacting.
Sit Rep #4 – Questions to Drive Play Testing has been completed. The scene has been cleared. Re-entry is being advised.
Sit Rep #4 – Questions to Drive Play What are long-term impacts? Who monitors for long term effects? Was a COOP plan used? If so, how will you know when to move out of COOP?
Conclusion/Next Steps Hot wash Complete IP and return to Aimee