July 11th 2018 Birmingham Steph Freeman PR Update July 11th 2018 Birmingham Steph Freeman
PRESS RELEASES MAY-JUNE EIGHT PRESS RELEASES/ARTICLES EXPO Follow Up PR DOTY Winner UK Truck Cartel CGS Call for Evidence (Trade and Consumer) Evidence Submitted PR FAME (Trade, Farming and Construction) Heat Heroes PR – (Trade and Consumer) & organising photo shoot Downstream article on press office activities Press Cuttings 31 pieces of coverage 203k online audience reached 28.6k online views 50 social media shares Communicating on a wide range of topics to wide variety of audiences
Mailshots, Govt Submissions, Websites Writing Letters to MP’s re CGS Letter to Ms Stapleton HMRC re Ireland Writing FPS EXPO Mailshot to other trade associations (Join Forces With EXPO) Attending BEIS meeting on CGS Assisting with Govt submissions – research, writing, editing CGS ECO Consumer market consultation re Ombudsman ECFD energy consultation Assisting team with members info mailers (writing or editing) incl Irish Member communication, Truck Cartel, CGS, FAME etc Reviewing and editing Downstream and Fuel Oil News articles Updating websites with latest news items and making changes to websites where necessary Producing FPS GDPR compliant privacy policies Amending EXPO website for 2019 EXPO From govt submissions to amending websites – support to the FPS team
Conversation with consumers, members, stakeholders, industry SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter since Feb @FPS_Oil – 2060 followers ↑ 192 @Oilsave – 2026 followers ↑ 179 @FPSEXPO – 2022 followers ↑ 77 LinkedIn - FPS company page 362 followers Oilsave Facebook page – this needs more work and development Conversation with consumers, members, stakeholders, industry
Social Media - @FPS_Oil Three Twitter Accounts, One Facebook account and One LinkedIn Page
Social Media - @Oilsave Three Twitter Accounts, One Facebook account and One LinkedIn Page
Social Media - @FPSEXPO Three Twitter Accounts, One Facebook account and One LinkedIn Page
PAC Agreed Terms of Reference PAC Update Terms of Reference 2018 FPS PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE The FPS Public Affairs committee is currently represented by FPS Chief Executive, Guy Pulham FPS Press Officer, Stephanie Freeman FPS Membership & Events Manager, Dawn Shakespeare Certas Public Affairs Director Brian Worrall Craggs Energy MD, Chris Bingham Director of WFL Ltd t/a Watsons Petroleum, Andrew Watson The committee provides public affairs guidance for the FPS to enhance and protect the reputation of the FPS and it’s members To ensure that time sensitive PR can be approved in the absence of the CEO To ensure that FPS have appropriate views and represent / support the industry during any period where support is deemed necessary The mission statement is “To enhance and protect the reputation of the FPS and its members in the UK and Ireland by providing information to drive FPS messaging and consultation submissions, giving feedback on recent press releases/member communications and planning the next quarter’s themes (particularly during key seasons and/or periods of heightened interest in the sector)” The Public Affairs Committee has also organised media training for FPS council members in order that key Regional FPS representatives are equipped to deal with media enquiries confidently and positively. PAC Agreed Terms of Reference
Governance & Operational Brief 2018 PAC chair reports at each Council meeting (standing agenda item) 2 to 3 PAC meetings per year and extra as required Around six or seven members Members - Two would be Council members and two from other distributor types and ‘regions’ PAC would need a mix of industry experts, PR and Public Affairs expertise FPS – CEO, Press Officer and Marketing contact (TBD). Membership & Events Manager to attend as necessary NOTE: CEO will drive FPS Strategy (with Council approval) including Marketing & Communication strategy (external and internal) Membership last for 2 years. Can be re-elected. Chair rotates between FPS members every 2 years. Any funding to be budgeted with CEO prior to September for the following year PAC members to be regional spokespersons (media trained) Crisis Management Response including dealing with regional media enquiries PAC to provide ongoing feedback on recent PR/comms and plan themes for the next quarter Time sensitive PR will be approved by CEO and sent for comment by PAC (time permitting). If CEO is not available then Steph will require two approvals from PAC members. Other PR will be sent to PAC team for review. Assisting the secretariat in preparing for industry meetings, consultations and presentations with the provision of data and views. Be involved in any Marketing & Communication Strategy team. Help FPS implement strategies that have a public affairs elements eg CWP, Tanksafe Coordinate charitable work Promote the FPS brand to distributors and affiliated sectors to promote FPS membership (similar to Council members) PAC Agreed