Marine Mammals Classifications
Whales Dolphins and Porpoises- Order Cetacea Cetaceans are further broken down into: Suborder Mysticeti (Beard Bearing)-Baleen Whales Suborder Odonticeti (Tooth Bearing)-Sperm whales and Dolphins
Cetaceans Continued Baleen Whale such as, Gray, Blue, Fin, minke and Humpback’s are Rorqual Whales. They have pleats under the mouth that aid in feeding (Baleen). Mysticeti: 2 blow holes Odonticeti: 1 blow hole The Killer Whale is the largest member of the Dolphin Family.
Cetaceans Anatomy baleen Mellon Sperm Whale has a large spermaceti organ that is also called the Mellon Baleen whales such as the Humpback only have baleen on the top jaw.
Rorqual pleats of a Fin whale
Polar Bears, Sea Otters, Manatees (Order Carnivora) Polar Bears- Family Ursus (Bear Family). Scientific Name is Ursus Maritimus (Sea Bear) Sea Otter- Family Mustilidae (Weasel Family) Manatee- Order Sirenia (Named for the Sirens of Greek Mythology because sailors believed them to be Mermaids)
Order Pinnipedia (Feather-Foot) Seals, Sea Lions and Walruses Differences between Seals and Sea Lions: Seal Sea Lion Ears No External Ears External Ears Propelling fins Posterior Anterior Neck Short Long Land Movement Caterpillar Rotate Hips and Walk Nails on Flippers Yes No
Pinnipeds Continued The Walrus is the largest Pinnipedia Species Southern California has two species of Pinnipeds: California Sea Lion, Harbor Seal The Leopard Seal is the “Polar Bear” of the Antarctic