President Hoover’s Response to the Great Depression US History Mrs. Housenick 1/18/12
Hoover Tries to Reassure the Nation Hoover believed depressions were a normal part of the cycle of the economy. He believed the government should not interfere too much in order to solve economic problems. He tried to reassure people that the depression would soon be over and that it was most important for people to stay optimistic.
The People Demand Solutions Some Americans wanted drastic action and radical reform. 25,000 people gathered in New York City to listen to communist solutions. Several thousand people protested at the capitol building chanting “Tax the rich! Feed the hungry!”
Hoover’s Solutions Very pro-business. Like most Republicans, Hoover believed in helping businesses first, and that their wealth would “trickle down” to the poor. Provided loans to businesses in distress. However, his solutions didn’t deal with overproduction—even if companies could produce, people were too poor to buy anything!
Refusal to Provide Direct Relief Didn’t want to spend federal money without further income. Encouraged private charities and state and local governments to help the poor. By 1932, such agencies were overwhelmed and did not have enough money to help many Americans. By 1930, Americans were more frustrated and started to blame Hoover for economic problems Homeless people sarcastically called shantowns “Hooevervilles.”
The Bonus Army Blunder In 1924, soldiers had been promised a $1000 bonus. With economic crisis, the House passed a bill which would pay the veterans early. In 1932, 1,000 soldiers marched across the country to lobby Congress to approve the bill—were called “The Bonus Army.” Once in Washington, over 15,000 veterans gathered, disappointed when Senate rejected bill.
The Bonus Army Blunder ctnd. Many veterans stayed in Washington, because there was nowhere else to go. Hoover called in troops to force the veterans to leave the city. Two veterans were killed, 1000s were gassed. After this incident, most people were ready to get rid of Hoover.
Bonus Army Marchers
Bonus Army Camp
Troops Destroy Bonus Army Camp
Police Attack Bonus Army