Transforming the Patient Care Experience CMOP Phase 1 Transforming the Patient Care Experience
Our CMOP Team Team Members Counties Served Deliveries per Year <Insert Hospital Logo> Our CMOP Team Team Members <list names and roles of team members> Counties Served <list counties served> Deliveries per Year <insert #> deliveries per year Staff Size <list # physicians> <list # nurses> Etc. The content of this slide is designed to provide a high level overview of your CMOP improvement team. Please share the names of your team members and their roles (e.g., Marty McCaffrey, Physician Champion or Tara Bristol, Staff Liaison to Patient Partners), list the counties you serve, number of deliveries per year and your staff size. When you submit your storyboard, please provide the following: A picture of your logo (with your hospital name) as an attachment when submitting your template so that we may include it in the upper left hand corner of each slide (you may also embed the logo in that location of the slides themselves, if that is preferred). Please also move the star image on the slide over the location on the North Carolina map where your facility is located. Finally, include a picture of your team. If you do not have a group picture, you may include individual photos. <Insert Team Photo>
Meet Our Patient Partner <Insert Hospital Logo> Meet Our Patient Partner [Name of Patient Partner] [A few sentences regarding their clinical experience and why they have chosen to work with your CMOP team] Include your patient partner’s name and a couple sentences or bullets about their clinical experience (e.g., severe hypertension, delivered at 27 weeks) and why they have chosen to work with your improvement team (i.e., why is this important to them). Please also include a photo of them; this can be a family photo if they prefer. If you have more than one patient partner, add additional slides. If you do not yet have a patient partner, keep the slide in but instead describe your plans for recruiting a patient partner
Assessing the Patient Care Experience in Our Unit <Insert Hospital Logo> Assessing the Patient Care Experience in Our Unit Our Method for Collecting Patient Feedback: [List the type of method(s) used – e.g., shadowing, focus groups, questionnaires] [Provide a description of the process, including the number of patients/family members you received feedback from] List the method(s) your team used for collecting patient feedback and describe the process. For example… Shadowing – who was the observer; how many patients/families did you shadow and how were they selected; what aspect of the care process was observed Focus Groups – how many participants were in the focus group; how were they selected and what were the response rates; how many groups were interviewed; who were the facilitators; how diverse were the groups; what questions were asked Questionnaires – how many patients/families were surveyed and how they were selected; what were the response rates; who handed out the questionnaires and how were they collected; what questions were asked Select and enlarge the image(s) that best represents the method used for collecting patient feedback; delete the image(s) that are not relevant to the assessment you conducted. If you used a method that is not represented here, please add an image you feel represents that methodology. If you used multiple methods, add additional slides.
Things We Are Doing Well <Insert Hospital Logo> Things We Are Doing Well [Theme 1:] [Supporting data] List the themes identified through patient feedback/observing the patient perspective. For each theme, include data to support it (i.e., observations or responses shared by patients/families that led you to identifying the theme). Add all the themes identified by your team.
Things We Are Doing Well <Insert Hospital Logo> Things We Are Doing Well Include quotes from patients and family members regarding what you are doing well. If you conducted shadowing, include quotes that the observer noted as being significant – these can be quotes from providers, staff, patients, or family members. Add or delete quote bubbles as needed. Include quotes that help describe the themes shared in the previous slide. .
Our Opportunities for Improvement <Insert Hospital Logo> Our Opportunities for Improvement [Theme 1:] [Supporting data] ] List the themes identified through patient feedback/observing the patient perspective. For each theme, include data to support it (i.e., observations or responses shared by patients/families that led you to identifying the theme). Add all the themes identified by your team.
Our Opportunities for Improvement <Insert Hospital Logo> Our Opportunities for Improvement Include quotes from patients and family members regarding areas of care that could be improved. If you conducted shadowing, include quotes that the observer noted as being significant – these can be quotes from providers, staff, patients, or family members. Add or delete quote bubbles as needed. Include quotes that help describe the themes shared in the previous slide.
Analyzing Our Findings <Insert Hospital Logo> Analyzing Our Findings Add a photo of your team that represents the work you have done towards transforming the patient care experience. This could be a photo of your team going through your patient feedback data/observation data, identifying themes, looking for gaps between the current state of care and the ideal state of care, or choosing a project to focus on. (e.g., photo of team members sorting sticky notes that each include a patient comment on them) While you do not need to include any text on this slide, please be prepared to share the process your team went through to complete the above actions.
Patient Care Experience Selected by Our Team <Insert Hospital Logo> Patient Care Experience Selected by Our Team [List the project your team has selected] Use this slide to name the project your team has selected and include an image that represents the work ahead. For example, you may include the text, “White Board Communication,” along with a picture of one of your white boards in its current state.
Due no later than December 19th, 2016 - on completion email to: