Fifth Episcopal District Annual Conference Back to the Basics: Loving God, Loving Neighbor, Loving Self An Introduction to a Theological Foundation for Community Outreach Presenters – Rev. Dr. Geraldine A. Daniels – Rev. Keenan Winters – Rev. Anderson T. Graves II – Rev. Eddie Richardson, Jr.
Section 1: INTRODUCTION Rev. Dr. Geraldine Daniels
Heart refers to emotion Soul refers to vitality and consciousness You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:27 Love of God is more than an acknowledgment of God’s existence or a statement of belief regarding God. It is a deep desire to know God and do the will of God with our whole being. Heart refers to emotion Soul refers to vitality and consciousness Strength refers to power and drive Mind refers to intelligence
Outreach and Loving God Experiencing God’s Presence in others: Outreach projects give opportunity to test our growth in faith and the community and engage in practical application of Christian service. The intention is to drive home the fact that Church is not an in- house nor individual encounter, it is koinonia, relational.
Outreach and Loving Neighbor Outreach projects give members a chance to demonstrate the word by sharing with and serving others in the community with Godly not personal motive. Evolving from these acts of service will be real life opportunities to connect the vertical to the horizontal, Spirit - God with spirit - human beings.
Outreach and Loving Self When we reach out to those in need in our community, we live out the great commission to "Go." Going leads us in the way of salvation that leads to eternal life.