NAVIANCE MTHS College & Career Counseling Center
Welcome MTHS Parents We are pleased to offer your child this innovative program to help you with the following: Career Inventories Personality Assessments Resume Building Goal Setting College Search Scholarship Search College Applications
Family Connection Family Connection is a Web-based program designed for students and parents. It assists students and parents in helping make decisions about courses, colleges and careers as well as assist in finding funding. Information is specific to Monroe Township High School. Counselors can update students and parents about up-coming meetings, news, events, and other Web resources for college and career information
Family connection Components for MTHS Assessments Students can take various assessments to help them understand more about their strengths and how they connect to the classroom and career pathways. Career Planning Students can link personality type and interests with both career clusters and individual careers. College Planning Students can track every step in the college process, research colleges, enrichment programs and scholarships.
Assessments Strengths Explorer The Learning Style Inventory This will help uncover your child’s talents and reveal their potential strengths The Learning Style Inventory Your child will find out how they learn and work best Do What You Are This will help your child learn about their personality, and strengths. You will also see suitable careers and major
Career Planner Students explore potential careers from both a personality and interest viewpoint. Offers career descriptions, preparation, requirements, and wage information at the city, state and national level for over 1000 careers! Resume builder can help organize and maintain your child’s academic accomplishments and work experiences.
College Planner Students have easy access to post-secondary planning. Comprehensive information about colleges. Conduct college searches and find appropriate matches. Students will be able to search for scholarships, view deadlines, and find scholarship application materials.
Up next… Live tutorial of Family Connection through Naviance Questions & Answers Event Survey
College & Career Counseling Center Page