1st Continental Congress In Sept. 1774, colonial leaders met in Philadelphia, delegates from 12 colonies gathered. Georgia did not send representatives. The First Continental Congress agreed to stop all trade with Great Britain and wanted each colony to set a committee to enforce boycotts.
“The British are coming”……War Begins The first battles were at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. The British (red coats) planned a secret late night attack to capture weapons. Paul Revere and other riders warned colonists. British lost both battles
Second Continental Congress The set up a committee to write a declaration for freedom to King George II. Congress voted that the 13 colonies were free on July 4, 1776. Thomas Jefferson led the group in writing the Declaration of Independence.
Declaration of Independence The Declaration consists of a preamble (introduction) followed by three main parts First part: idea of natural rights, or rights that belong to all people from birth. Second part: wrongs committed by Britain and the King. Third part: announces that the colonies declare their independence
Georgia Signers of the Declaration of Independence Button Gwinnett Lyman Hall George Walton
Button Gwinnett Delegate to Continental Congress, signed Declaration of Independence Leader of the committee that wrote the Georgia Constitution of 1777 Governor of Georgia in 1777 Challenged General McIntosh to a duel and died three days later from injuries.
George Walton Active in GA’s government Colonel in Revolutionary War Wounded and captured during the assault on Savannah. After war: served as representative to congress, circuit court judge, chief justice of Georgia, governor of Georgia, US senator.
Lyman Hall Led the St John’s Parish Group with Button Gwinett Signed Declaration of Independence Elected governor in 1783 While governor: worked to rebuild economy and solve problems with loyalist and indians
Battle of Kettle Creek February 1779 Battle of Kettle Creek took place near Washington, GA. It was led by Colonel Elijah Clarke. He defeated 800 British troops. The militia was able to take needed weapons and supplies from the British
Austin Dabney Former slave who was injured during the Battle of Kettle Creek after saving Elijah Clarke’s life He was the only African American soldier to fight in the battle. In recognition of his bravery, Georgia gave Dabney land.
Siege for Savannah Throughout the war, Savannah was controlled by the British. September 1779: 15,000 Americans and 4,000 French laid tried to gain control back of Savannah. Battle was the second bloodiest of the American Revolution. Only lasted 90 minutes. The British controlled Savannah until the end of the war in 1782.
Nancy Hart Spied on the loyalist Five soldiers came into Nancy Hart’s home demanding she cook them a meal. She took their rifles away and killed one of them and held the other 4 at gunpoint. Hart County is named in her honor. It is the only county named after a woman.
The Last Stance… In October 1781, with the help of France forces, General George Washington defeated British at the Battle of Yorktown. British General Cornwallis surrendered to American forces
The War End……..INDEPENDENCE!!! Treaty of Paris 1783 the British recognized the United States as an independent nation Country borders: Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River, the southern border stopped at Florida. Americans agreed to pay Loyalists for property they lost in the war
Reasons for American Victory Difficult for Britain to send troops and supplies to America When British forces took a city the Americans moved inland Americans also knew the best roads and places to fight America also got assistance from Spain and France