International Statistical Cooperation Unit D2 Asia and Latin America (ALA) section 25 January 2011 IRWG
Statistical Cooperation with International Organizations UN/ECLAC: 2006 MoU (European Commission-UN/ECLAC). Areas of priority: a) social cohesion and poverty alleviation; b) macroeconomic convergence and regional integration; c) statistics. Progress achieved in statistics: 1) Regional Code of Practice; 2) Introduction of SDMX; 3) sharing best practices in the use of Administrative Registers. IADB: MoU. UN/ESCAP: participation in the meetings of the Committee on Statistics. 11/24/2018 IRWG
Statistical Cooperation through MoU A new approach to strengthen cooperation with emerging economies or countries whose impact in the respective sub-regions is significant: Brazil (2010), Colombia (2010), India (under negotiation), Kazakhstan (2010), China (under negotiation). 11/24/2018 IRWG
Technical Advice for European Commission’s Projects (Under DCI) EU-ASEAN Statistical Capacity Building Programme: ongoing. Fields: IMTS, SITS, FDIS, MDG, institutional building. EU-China Trade Project: ongoing. Fields: IMTS, SITS. Second EU Programme of Support to Central American Regional Integration (PAIRCA II): ongoing. Fields: Institutional strengthening (“Centroestad” within SICA), RSDS EU-MERCOSUR Cooperation Project for Macroeconomic Monitoring Support: ongoing. Fields: EU-MERCOSUR Statistics II: concluded. Fields: Economic and social statistics, institutional strengthening (“Specialised Statistical Meeting” within GMC). ANDESTAT: concluded. Fields: capacity building in economic statistics 11/24/2018 IRWG
Support to Eurostat Annual Statistical Work Programme (2011 Financing Decision) Analysis of EU Budget Support in ALA Fostering Statistical Good Practices in Latin America and the Caribbean (sharing of work with LAC sub regions) Modernization of Statistical Data Transmission in Latin America and the Caribbean (SDMX) Analysis of Water Statistics use and needs in Central Asia Support to Regional Strategies for the Development of Statistics in ALA (institutional strengthening of regional statistical bodies in Asia and Latin America 11/24/2018 IRWG