Do Now: In your text, develop at list of AT LEAST three factors, that despite Wilson’s contention that “He Kept Us Out Of War,” in fact drew us into WWI.
Today’s Objectives: By defining mobilization, students will be able to explain how the United States managed to: Raised an army Financed the war Managed Public Opinion Produced Industrial Materials Enlisted the support of labor
Mobilization for World War I American Studies Mobilization for World War I
Mobilization: Preparation for war by government, citizens and business enterprises.
Brainstorm a list of things needed to prepare for and conduct a war. Raise an Army Shape Public Opinion Finance the War/Raise Funds Convert Industry from Peacetime to Wartime Production. Get Organized Labor on Board.
Theme During a time of war, the government assumes extraordinary powers to meet the needs of the nation. What unusual powers did government assume in the following areas?
Does Government have the power to draft? Yes: Article I Sec. 8 No: 13th Amendment Involuntary Servitude
How did we raise an army?
Volunteer Recruitment Campaigns
National Registration and Draft Lottery
Army Recruits in New York
How Did Our Government Shape Public Opinion?
Propaganda George Creel Committee on Public Information
How did the government finance the war?
Tax Increases & Government Loans in the form of war bonds and stamps.
Analysis: Which generation should pay for a war? Which pays when we use taxes to finance war? Which pays when we use loans? Should all Americans be asked to sacrifice when the US goes to war?
Financing World War I Loans 70% TAXES 30%
How Did Government Enlist the Cooperation of Big Business?
Converting Wartime Industry From This… To this.
Winning Corporate Support War Industries Board Cooperative Committees Awarding of Contracts Allocation of Scarce Resources Profits tripled
The Lever Act allowed Wilson to control farm prices and the distribution of food. Wilson appointed the war industries board. The WIB could approve purchases, allocate raw materials and control production. Profits soared.
Analysis: Review the actions of government and business in terms of what we learned about market and command economic systems.
Command Mixed Market Mixed Command
How did government attempt to win the support of labor for the war?
Samuel Gompers Were there strikes during the war? Should strikes be allowed?
Winning Labor’s Support No-strike contracts 8 hour workday Rift between AFL and socialists Gompers of the AFL supported the war.
Building the Labor Partnership
What happened to free speech and civil liberties during the war?
Sedition Laws Eugene V. Debs Oliver W. Holmes Schenck v. U. S Sedition Laws Eugene V. Debs Oliver W. Holmes Schenck v. U.S. Clear & Present Danger