Finding where we “fit”!.


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Presentation transcript:

Finding where we “fit”!

and of the household of God” We’re made for Relationships! Ps 68:6 “God sets the solitary in families: He brings out those which are bound with chains” Eph 2:19 “Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God”

God’s a “creative” creator! Eccl. 3:11 “He hath made every thing beautiful in his time and hath set the world in their hearts.” Olam: Eternity He’s the master at bringing Unity and Beauty out of Diversity!

We’re made for relationships! 1 Cor 12:18, 25,27 “God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. That there should be no schism in the body; 25 but that the members should have the same care one for another. 27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.”

Why are Relationships so “tricky”? yāʿad: to fix upon, committed Amos 3:3 “Can two walk together, Yaḥ’ad: unitedly except they be agreed?” yāʿad: to fix upon, committed

Because we’re so different! Why’s it so difficult to Agree? Because we’re so different! Our Pasts, Pressures, Personalities, Priorities, PRIDE, etc., All “pepper” (sometimes “poison”) our Perspectives! Sometimes it feels like we’re living in a Zoo!

Welcome to the Zoo! “Doers” (Task oriented) “Fast” Decisions (Purpose) Oriented Cool “Touch” (People) Oriented. Warm “Slow” Decisions

1. Doers: A. Good Leaders 1) “Purpose” Focused “Let’s Get it done!” 2) Responsible. (Takes ownership) B. “Territorial” 1) May “growl” to Control/Protect their area.

Doers: Task Oriented B. Territorial 1) Can appear “Cool” or “distant”. C. Fear being “caged”! aka: Controlled Us “control” to accomplish goals.

Welcome to the Zoo! “Players” (Talk Oriented) “Doers” (Task oriented) “Fast” Decisions “Doers” (Task oriented) “Players” (Talk Oriented) “Touch” (People) Oriented. Warm Task Oriented Cool “Slow” Decisions

2. “Players”: Good “Salesmen” 1) “Networkers” who (Story-tellers) Love to talk! (Story-tellers) B. “Fun loving,” people pleasers 1) Appear Warm and Friendly!

“Players”: B. People pleasers. 2) Not Territorial: a) They Can easily “cross” cages! C. Fear of being “disliked”. Use “companionship to feel “good.”

Welcome to the Zoo! “Players” “Doers” “Thinkers” “Fast” “Touch” (People) Oriented. Warm Task Oriented Cool “Thinkers” (Process oriented) “Slow” Decisions

3. Thinkers: A. Good “Planners” B. Respect “rules” (Procedures) 1) Fact Focused 2) Process Oriented B. Respect “rules” (Procedures) 1) Technically (Detail) minded. (How To “best” do it.)

3. Thinkers: 2) Cautious Choices. “Think” it through. C. Fear of being “wrong” Making a mistake. Use “Clarity” (facts) to convince others.

Welcome to the Zoo! “Players” “Doers” “Thinkers” “Feelers” “Fast” “Players” “Doers” “Touch” (People) Oriented. Warm Task Oriented Cool “Thinkers” “Feelers” (touch oriented) (Relationships) “Slow” Decisions

4. “Feelers”: Good Nurturers. 1) Warm and Loving. 2) Very Sensitive! B. Devoted & Loyal peacekeepers. 1) Respect “traditions”

4. “Feelers”: B. “Peace” keepers 1) Cautious to Maintain “harmony” “Don’t rock the boat!” C. Fear of Conflict or being hurt. Use “comfort” to avoid conflict.

Welcome to the Zoo! Control! Clarity! Comfort! “Feelers” “Doers” (Leaders) “Players” (Networkers) Control! Companions! Focus on tasks. “Territorial” Focused on Fun. “Talkers” “Feelers” (Peacekeepers) “Thinkers” (Planners) Clarity! Comfort! Focus on “Facts” “Technical” Focus on “feelings” Tender (Timid)

“God hath placed the members in the body as it hath pleased him.” God created these differences to accomplish His Goals! “God hath placed the members in the body as it hath pleased him.” 1 Cor 12:18

Welcome to the Zoo! “Feelers” “Doers” “Players” (Leaders) (Networkers) “Thinkers” (Planners) “Feelers” (Peacekeepers)

But no one naturally “fits” in every “cage”. (Relationship oriented) We often “overlap” “Fast” Decisions “Players” (Talk Oriented) “Doers” (Task oriented) “Touch” (People) Oriented. Warm But no one naturally “fits” in every “cage”. Task Oriented Cool “Thinkers” (Process oriented) “Feelers” (Relationship oriented) “Slow” Decisions

God is a very “creative” creator! 1 Cor 4:7 “who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive?” Our differences are actually “gifts” from God To each other!

It may be “quieter” and even “comfortable” in our “cages”, but God made us for so much more!

even so minister the same one to another, Finding where we “fit”! 1 Peter 4:10 “As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards (trustees) of the manifold (different manifestations of ) grace of God.”

1 Cor 12:4-7 “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.”

Are you willing to come out of your “cage”? Will you Growl or Grow?