Romans 1:18-20 “Our God He Is Alive”
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The Existence of God Universal Belief in a Creator Acts 17:26,27 Atheism the Exception in Most Societies Less than 10% Atheist, Agnostic, Unaffiliated Non-Religious 1.6% professed Atheists
The Existence of God Where did the Universal Belief in the Creator Come From, if Not from the Creator Himself? Is it only Chance That Caused it? Did Man Come Up With a Totally New & Novel Concept where there was none?
Every Effect Must Have a Sufficient Cause The Universe Exists, Therefore there Must be a Reason for its Existence “What caused the Universe?” “Big Bang?” Where did this Huge Compressed Ball Come From? What Caused the Ball to Explode? Where was the sufficient Cause for This? “What caused the Universe?”
Only The Existence of God Provides Sufficient Cause Hebrews 3:4 “every house built by someone, He Who built all things is God.” The Nature of the Universe Demands a Designer Seasons Order of Nature Order of Universe
Only The Existence of God Provides Sufficient Cause Bible Testifies to This! Psalm 104:24 “earth full of His possessions Psalm 8:3,4 “Your heavens, work of Your fingers” Psalm 19:1,2 “heavens declare glory of God” Romans 1:19.20 “understood by the things that are made”
Sense of Right & Wrong a Witness to Existence of God “Anthropological Argument” “A sense of ought” Demands a Moral Being as the Original Cause Moral Being Created Man with sense of Right and Wrong If Not God, Where did we get that it is wrong to kill, steal, commit adultery, hurt another person?
There is Adequate Evidence to Prove to the Average Person that There is a God Those who Rejected Him are Without Excuse – Romans 1:20 “Come and see the Works of God; He is Awesome in His doing toward the sons of men.” – Psalm 66:5