Romantic Opera Puccini’s La Bohème
Opera Opera was invented at the beginning of the Baroque period (abt 1600) as a way to better express the stories told in music. Opera combines solo & choir singing and orchestra with stage acting, costumes & sets. Opera has survived over 400 years, changing along with the different styles of music that have become popular. Some of the greatest opera writers: W.A. Mozart, Giuseppe Verdi, Richard Wagner, & Giacomo Puccini.
Opera The key to enjoying opera is to focus on the emotions the singers are expressing through music, not on how realistic the performance is. Suspension of Disbelief: Putting aside skepticism about unbelievable parts of the performance & focusing on what it is communicating. Two main kinds of songs in operas: The “story-telling” songs – usually more “speak-singing” style. The arias – focus on expressing the character’s thoughts, more beautiful and memorable sounding.
Puccini & La Bohème Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), Italian composer of many famous operas that are still commonly performed today: La Bohème Tosca Madame Butterfly Turandot La Bohème is one of the most popular operas today. The story focuses on the lives of a few poor artist friends who are living together in a run-down apartment in Paris. As they dedicate their lives to poetry, music, etc. they struggle with poverty, disease, and their relationships.
Rudolfo & Mimi First Meet Rudolfo is at home in his freezing apartment. He hears a knock at the door. It’s Mimi, a pretty young neighbor he’s never met. Her candle blew out and she asks if Rudolfo can relight it. Then she faints. Rudolfo helps her to a chair and gives her something to drink. After a moment she gets ready to go, but she realizes she dropped her key somewhere. Her candle goes out again, and Rudolfo blows out his candles because he wants her to stay.
Rudolfo & Mimi First Meet They look for the key in the dark for a while until he touches her cold hand. As he takes it in his to warm it, he tells Mimi about his life as a poet and asks about her. (Che gelida manina – "What a cold little hand") She describes her own life as a simple embroiderer. (Sì, mi chiamano Mimì – "Yes, they call me Mimì") As they look at each other in the moonlight, they realize they’re falling in love. (O soave fanciulla – "Oh lovely girl")