October 16 & 17 OBJECTIVE DO FIRST You will be able to identify and sequence events that led to the American Revolution Grab a Do Now off the table Write the Objective & Date on a new page in your Notebook Complete the STAAR Q using FPOWER Glue/Tape in your Do Now
The Navigation Acts To enforce mercantilism, England passed the NAVIGATION ACTS, (Trade Acts) beginning in 1651. These acts were designed to control trade in the colonies. These laws forced the colonies to trade only with England. This was a part of Mercantilism
Great Britain Tightens Control Over the Colonies Salutary Neglect- For much of the colonial period, Great Britain paid little attention to the colonies. So long as the colonists were making them money! Mercantilism- the idea that all production in the colonies should benefit THE MOTHER COUNTRY The colonists became used to governing themselves. However, when the colonies started making money the British government began to show a new interest in America.
More Taxes… Muahahahaha! During the years of British neglect, American colonists had been able to disobey trade laws made by Parliament. The situation changed after Britain ended the French and Indian War in 1763. The British were left with a national debt that had doubled in size. To reduce that debt, Parliament raised taxes in both Britain and America. The colonists were asked to pay their share for running the empire. The British government also began to tighten trade regulations with the Navigation Acts.
John Hancock: Smuggler & Criminal How did American colonists respond to mercantilism? They became smugglers!
Talk of Rebellion From 1763 to 1774, the actions of Parliament convinced many Americans that their natural rights were being threatened. Some colonists began to think about breaking away from Great Britain.
Two Colonial Groups Patriots Loyalists People who thought England Was wrong and that the colonies should break away People that loved their Mother Country (England) and believed that the colonists should abide by their rules
Causes of the American Revolution Proclamation Line & New Taxes(1763): Colonist couldn’t settle west of the Appalachian Mountains forced Americans to pay new taxes to help pay off the war debt. Sugar Act (1764) Taxed Sugar and Molasses Stamp Act (1765): taxed every legal document, newspaper, pamphlet, deck of cards, and dice. Anything printed on paper was taxed. Quartering Act (1765): required colonists to allow British soldiers to stay in their homes
The Coercive/Intolerable Acts (1774) Townshend Acts (1767): placed a tax on glass, paint, paper, and tea. Writs of Assistance (1767) Allowed British Officers to enter coloninal homes to search for smuggled goods without giving reason Tea Act (1773) Placed a tax on tea that the colonists were forced to pay The Coercive/Intolerable Acts (1774) Closed the Port of Boston (Stopped Trade) Took away town meetings (Self-Government) Allowed British troops to be tried in England
ACTIVITY: Propaganda Poster DIRECTIONS: Using the information you just read, create an illustrated poster of a major Act that led to the American Revolution. Be ready to present at the end of class!