Intro to Poli Sci – 2/10/17 Objective: SWBAT describe the six principles of our Constitution. Agenda: Six Principles Chart Six Principles WS Homework: Personal Declaration Missing Work
Six Basic Principles Popular Sovereignty Limited Government Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Judicial Review Federalism
Popular Sovereignty All political power resides with the people People are the only source of power People give government their power Ex: “We The People…”
Limited Government The government can only do what the people say it can do. This principle actually prohibits certain governmental powers. Constitutionalism – the government must be conducted according to the Constitution Rule of Law- The government is never above the law Ex: “Congress shall make no law…”
Separation of Powers Power is distributed among 3 branches Legislative – Law makers Executive – Law enforcers Judicial - Law interpreters Ex: “All legislative powers herein granted…”
Checks and Balances Each branch of government has the power to check the operation of the other two. Ex: Congress decides the size and structure of the federal court system.
Judicial Review It is the power of a court to determine the constitutionality of a governmental action 150 Congressional Acts have been declared unconstitutional Also struck down 1100 state laws and several executive orders Ex: Marbury v. Madison
Federalism The division of power among a central government and several regional governments This was a compromise between the loosely tied states under the Articles and the fear of too strong of a central gov’t. Ex: Taxes