Integrating Public Sector Careers and Civic Engagement into All Pathways Careers Conference March 5, 2017 MG CCS Partnership Meeting - April 22, 2016 Governments Engaging Youth Presentation
research and education ILG is the non-profit research and education affiliate of MG
Presenters Bina Lefkovitz, ILG Frank Pisi, SCOE Action Civics Lead Michael Washington, Lead Teacher Criminal Justice Academy, Hiram Johnson High School Carlos Garcia, Lead Teacher, Law and Justice Academy, Florin High School Marla Johnson, Health Professions High School
Share Your Civic Story What was your first memory of being civically engaged? Why was it important? How did it impact you? How did it impact your community?
Civics Defined Civics civics
Civic Knowledge, Skills & Action Understand the structure, function and role of government Understand democratic process Understand constitutional concepts such as separation of powers and due process Understand the concepts of diversity, privilege and power. Understand financial and digital literacy Understand historical and current global, national and local issues Political vehicles for representing public opinion and effecting political change Civic Action/Habits Present at council meetings Know advocacy tactics Actively listen/Concern for others Plan and run meetings Use social media Volunteer Vote Skills/Critical Thinking Perspective taking Analyzing societal problems Develop solutions Speak in public Engage in debate Critique media Connect democratic concepts and principals to current events Sources: Revitalizing K 12 Civic Learning in California – Blue Print and Guardians of Democracy
Embedding Civics in my Classroom has its challenges, but is worth it WHY????? Embedding Civics in my Classroom has its challenges, but is worth it
Three program options City of Sacramento City of Elk Grove Health Professions High School Health Pathway
Governments Engaging Youth Goal: Communities and schools collaborate to prepare students for civic life and college/career readiness. Elk Grove youth participate in a mock council meeting and serve as the City Attorney, City Manager and City Clerk MG CCS Partnership Meeting - April 22, 2016 Governments Engaging Youth Presentation
Key Sites Sacramento West Sacramento Oxnard Yuba City Elk Grove Alameda County Moreno Valley We Are Interested in new communities
Sacramento Summer At City Hall City of Sacramento and three school districts Summer enrichment program 80 students 6 weeks Classroom Component, 8:30-noon 36 hour internships Stipends School Credit School Breakfast and Lunch Social worker to support students
Classroom Learning Component Job readiness skills Structure and function of local government What it means to be an active citizen How to Vote and register to vote Role of courts and jury duty Service Projects and volunteerism How to advocate for change thru advocacy projects: research, understanding different sides of an issue, who has power, how to influence power, advocacy tactics Leadership: Presentation skills, teamwork, self awareness Site Tours, Guest Speakers Mock Council meeting and City Council presentations
Elk Grove Summer At City Hall Elk Grove USD and City of Elk Grove Extension of law and justice pathways 2 weeks 25 students Class 8:30am-3:00pm Class component Structure and function of government, Guest speakers Advocacy project Job shadows Mock council meeting
Health Professions High School Health Pathway- Action Civics Action civics covers six practices 9th grade- 10th grade-field trips 11th grade- service learning projects, Job Shadows 12th grade senior projects and internships
Small Group Learning Group 1: How to start a summer program (partnerships, structure, student outcomes, experiential learning, and activities). Group 2: How to organize Action Civics and advocacy project in summer setting. Group 3- Embedding advocacy projects and Action Civics in school day pathways work.
Governments Engaging Youth: Statewide Effort Toolkit Networking meetings for sites Seeking ways to engage leaders around the state about the value and opportunity of GEY Upcoming: Community of Practice Clarifying Core Civic and 21st century competencies Digital Badging Identifying models of GEY around the state Seeking new sites to implement tailored GEY program
Institute for Local Government Thank You! Bina Lefkovitz Institute for Local Government 916-213-9679