Pandora Hope Chest
Start by searching “hope chest” on the chrome store and adding the extension.
Hope Chest will then be added to your extension bar and activated when you are on
Go back as far as you can on any given line by pressing the grey fan-chart that appears at the bottom of a name when it is highlighted . (This will increase your chances of finding a name.)
Once you have reached the end of a line, switch from fan-chart to traditional view. This is crucial to the search.
Select the Hope Chest icon then “Search Descendants” (this will give more search results)…
… then select “just do search”, and then “Start Search”
This yellow cursor will automatically run through the family line… *A notification will pop up with the search is done. Some will last longer than others.* This yellow cursor will automatically run through the family line…
If it turns green, then that family member has ordinances that can be requested. They will then be added to your Hope Chest inbox.
To get to your inbox, select the Hope Chest tab on the extension.
You can go on to request the family members ordinances by selecting the tree icon. This will take you back to FamilySearch
Select the green temple (green means there is work available) and request your family members. Finally, you can go to the temple tab to print or share the names.