Lab report By Beatrice J. martin Audrey Cheng, Raymond Donovan, Alex Bates and Cole Sperling. Beatrice is doing this page
Question What is the effect of the amount of alka seltzer on the distance the cap will travel? Raymond is doing ths page
Hypothesis If the amount of alka seltzer increases then the cap will go farther because there will be more force which will make the cap go further. fiz
Controlled Variables (The variables that do NOT change) The temperature of water The angle of the launcher The weather The amount of water The spot the launchers is placed Weight of the cap Bearice is doing this page Not change
Manipulated Variable/Independent Variable The amount of alka seltzer manipulated variable
Responding Variable/Dependent Variable (The variable that is measured) The distance that the cap travels distance
Pictures of launcher
Materials Water Alka seltzer Launcher Film canister Film cap Syringe Measuring tape Audrey
Procedure Get alka seltzer, water, launcher, tube and cap (Write EACH and EVERY step in order. Include every step one needs to take to replicate the experiment exactly! Get alka seltzer, water, launcher, tube and cap Set launcher to 45o Measure out 20 ml of water Put tube in launcher Pour the 20 ml of water into tube Carefully tighten screw Put alka seltzer in, put cap on quickly put cap on and stand at a safe distance. Repeat steps 1-7 with ½ tablet, 1 tablet, 1 ½ tablets and 2 tablets Beatrice is doing this page
Data Table: How The Amount of Alka-Seltzer affected the Distance Responding Variable: Distance the Cap Traveled Manipulated Variable: The amount of alka seltzer Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average 1/2 332 349 325 335 1/3 1 378 431 450 421 1/3 1 1/2 399 483 437 2/3 Audrey 2 460 462 532 600.3
Conclusion/Results The more alka seltzer the farther the cap goes because more force is on the cap making the cap go farther. The faster the cap goes the longer it take gravity to pull it down. The longer it takes gravity to pull it down the further it goes. raymond
Additional Questions 1.Would the Alka Seltzer work the same way if it was in someone’s mouth with a cap? 2.If we used seltzer and alka seltzer would the results change? 3.If we mixed alka seltzer, coke, baking soda, vinegar and mentos in a giant tube and giant launcher how far would it go? raymond