Creating a “Snapshot” About Impressions of the Middle East – Left Side Notebook You will now write a snapshot describing your initial impressions of the Middle East. Use your notes to help you complete the following: A description of your impression of at least THREE cultural elements from the activity that provides a “snapshot” of the Middle East. A sentence explaining some aspect of the Middle East you saw in the images that you would like to learn more about. Be prepared to share your postcard
Right Side – Middle East Religions The Cross: Christians believe Jesus died on the cross and three days later rose from the dead. The cross is a symbol of victory over death, promising eternal life. Crescent Moon: Muslims believe that when Muhammad received his first revelation, the moon was in it’s last stage, appearing as a waning crescent. Star of David: is a sign of the House of David, the family that produced the kings of biblical Israel.
Religions of the Middle East Continued… All three religions are MONOTHEISTIC= one god….Abraham. All originated in Middle East – Judaism and Christianity in Palestine and Islam on the Arabian Peninsula Over 90% in the Middle East pratice Islam (it is the majority religion in every country except Israel). Christianity – 5% of Middle East, Judaism -2% mostly6 in Israel.