Charter & Code Impact on academic development SUHF Seminar Brussels, 23 November 2017 Fabienne Gautier Head of Unit, DG RTD B.2 Open Science and ERA.


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Presentation transcript:

Charter & Code Impact on academic development SUHF Seminar Brussels, 23 November 2017 Fabienne Gautier Head of Unit, DG RTD B.2 Open Science and ERA Policy

ERA POLICY More effective national research systems Transnational Cooperation and Competition An Open Labour Market for Researchers Charter & Code, HR Strategy for Researchers Innovative doctoral training Open, transparent and merit-based recruitment Pensions (RESAVER) EURAXESS Scientific visa package Working with Member States & monitoring Gender Equality Access and Circulation of Knowledge

CHARTER & CODE 11 March 2005: EC adopted a ‘European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers’ (Charter and Code) 40 principles on the : roles, requirements and entitlements of researchers, funders and employers for more attractive research careers in an open European labour market.

Benefits for institutions FIVE REASONS to sign the Charter & Code: The institution stands for a stimulating and favourable working environment for researchers The institution supports actively a change in working culture The institution joins a truly pan-European network consisting of researchers and research organisations The institution cares about its Human Resources The institution benefits from international visibility

Benefits for researchers FIVE REASONS to choose an institution having signed the Charter and Code: The researcher's rights as a professional are recognised The researcher's mobility experience is valued The researcher's work-life balance is respected Recruitment transparency is guaranteed The researcher will join a truly pan-European network consisting of research organisations and researchers

CHARTER & CODE The implementation of the Charter&Code by applying the HRS4R gives the exclusive right to use the 'HR award' The 'HR award' is displayed on the adverts published on: EURAXESS Jobs the institution's websites promotional material … along with information about the HR strategy.

Horizon 2020 ARTICLE 32 NEW Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement(s) * RECRUITMENT & WORKING CONDITIONS for researchers 32.1 OBLIGATION to take measures to implement the 'European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers' * working conditions transparent recruitment processes based on merit career development 32.2 CONSEQUENCES of non-compliance (application of any of the measures described in Chapter 6) * Commission Recommendation 2005/251/EC of 11 March 2005 (OJ L75, 22.3.2005, p. 67)

should sign and implement the Charter & Code All beneficiaries of H2020 should sign and implement the Charter & Code EVIDENCED by: > 900 individual endorsements & commitments > 40 countries involved (& various Inter-national / European organisations) > 1200 individual institutions represented (including universities, research institutes, funding bodies, umbrella organisations and professional associations) > 370 institutions progressing with the implementation of the C&C principles

Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) HRS4R procedure Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) TOOL (developed in 2008) to implement the 40 principles of C&C voluntary, flexible, phase-wise procedure based on self-assessment, respecting the autonomy of the institutions based on gap-analysis, action plan and HR strategy development (incl. OTM-R* issues) monitoring of progress striving towards quality leading to recognition and high visibility OTM-R* means Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment

HRS4R procedure

Strengthening the HRS4R procedure: What's new? Introduction of a timeline/timeframe with fixed periods. Shorter procedure with less steps, now call phases. Use of mandatory templates. Incorporation of OTM-R issues in a dedicated annex. Introduction of indicators, elements of 'quality' and targets for success. Withdrawal of the award based on clear criteria setting.

OTM-R NEW OTM-R is compulsory in the new procedure Initial assessment OTM-R checklist must be completed Actions may already have started, but this is not yet compulsory. Action plan must include “some” initiatives to improve OTM-R policies, but they may not yet be very coherent or specific. Interim assessment The organisation must be preparing a coherent OTM-R policy and corresponding actions. Renewal assessment The organisation must have an OTM-R policy and corresponding actions in place.

highest representative STARTING Endorsement of C&C principles Notification of commitment (to implement) LETTER of endorsement & notification of commitment One single letter (starting the clock) signed by the highest representative of the institution

HRS4R procedure

HRS4R phases

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READ the documents !

TEMPLATES: TEMPLATE 1 Gap Analysis annex OTM-R checklist TEMPLATE 2 Action Plan TEMPLATE 3 Internal Review / Self-assessment You can find these templates in our EURAXESS website: