Welcome To 8th Grade English
I am Joe Nakamura jnakamura@lgusd.org hello! I am Joe Nakamura jnakamura@lgusd.org
Our goal as a Professional Learning Community: To give all of our students a rigorous, common core standards-based English Language arts foundation with an emphasis on writing and critical thinking.
Thank you for your support in this journey! English Pilots We are excited to explore some cutting-edge practices and principles that will make a positive impact in your child’s education. Thank you for your support in this journey! The grade book might look slightly different first and second quarter due to varying tasks and activities. Unit 2: Amplify digital curriculum 8th graders will explore a biography unit starring Benjamin Franklin Most lessons include excerpts of Franklin’s writing as well as commentary and analysis from Walter Isaacson’s Benjamin Franklin: An American Life. Unit 1: Writer’s Workshop from Lucy Calkins and her colleagues at the Reading and Writing Project @ Columbia University Teacher’s College In 8th grade, writers will be analyzing literature and composing literary essays that demonstrate use of evidence and analysis to make meaning of rich text. Emphasis on revision, conferencing, and choices 2016-2017 school year, our team of English teachers under the district’s Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment Director, began the process of reviewing English curriculum for a new adoption
Our five thematic units… Theme/Topic Core Literature Writing 1 The Literary Essay Various dystopian short stories Several argument essays 2 Biography & Literature (The American Revolution) Benjamin Franklin Writings Analytical writings and essay 3 Overcoming Obstacles Poetry & Book Choice for Literature Circles Explanatory Essay 4 Let Your Voice Be Heard Various nonfiction articles Argument Essay & Speech 5 We Are More Alike Than Different The Outsiders Narrative Memoir Speech add info on projects in unit 2 and 4?
Grade Scale Weighted categories: Summative Assessments 50% On-demand writing assessments Grammar quizzes (No Red Ink)--unlimited make-ups! Reading assignments Speeches Formative Writing Assessments 30% smaller writing assignments homework/practice Projects 20% Emphasis is on mastery of the material rather than letter grades
A word about advocacy … 8th graders need opportunities to act as self-advocates Please encourage your child to … See me before school, lunch, or after school when problems arise Email me with questions or concerns Track his/her own grade in PowerSchool Fisher is the perfect place for students to learn from their mistakes … better now than in high school.
Tips & Tricks for a Successful Year 8th grade workload = challenging. You can help by working with your child to… Create schedules to balance hw, extracurriculars and free/family/friends time Keep materials organized Keep an up-to-date planner Emphasis is on mastery of the material rather than letter grades Making a mistake = a chance to grow, not a statement about your intelligence or your abilities English materials online School website = hw/most resources/worksheets
Reading Core novels Literature circle books Short stories Poetry Nonfiction articles Independent Reading 30 minutes daily at home & silent reading time in class
Emphasis on analytical writing in preparation for high school Explanatory Argument Narrative Emphasis on analytical writing in preparation for high school Focus on writing as a process Conferences and revisions!
Speaking and listening Project presentations Speeches Participation in class discussions & debates
Thank you to LGEF and our Home & School Club! Thank you very much for coming! Joe Nakamura jnakamura@lgusd.org http://rjfisher.lgusd.org Your support counts! Thank you to LGEF and our Home & School Club!