SFA Friday
Vocabulary Can you pronounce it Do know the definition Can you use it in a sentence
Title: Letters Home from Yosemite Reading Goal: Main Idea Team Cooperation Goal: Complete Tasks Genre: Narrative Nonfiction Author: Lisa Halvorsen
The scenery at the top of the mountain was amazing. Outdoor views The scenery at the top of the mountain was amazing.
wilderness: land where no people live Sometimes bears come out of the wilderness and take food from our trash cans.
preserve: Keep safe I found an Indian arrowhead in the ground and Dad told me to preserve it.
graze: Eat grass “Horses and cows graze, not people,” the baby’s mother said when he tried to eat grass.
At the beach seagulls were swooping down to steal our French fries. Rushing down swooping: At the beach seagulls were swooping down to steal our French fries.
Jeremy accidentally broke his grandmother’s precious antique clock. costly Jeremy accidentally broke his grandmother’s precious antique clock.
SQRRRL S- Survey Q- Question R- Read R- Restate R- Review L- Learn
Let’s predict Page 117 S- Survey Q- Question R- Read R- Restate R- Review L- Learn
Team Talk Let’s preview the questions on page 17 of your treasure hunt. Idea Tree
Test Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you Read p. 126-127 silently Answer questions 1-6 on page 17 with as many details from the story as possible Complete vocabulary Page 18 Challenge 7-10
Team Discussion Pass out Team Discussion Cards Discuss answers to team talk questions
Class Discussion What are some of the words you clarified? Answer questions 1-4
Vocabulary Vault
Book Club