1900’s: The Road to WWI Students will understand how African Colonization in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s led to WWI (MAIN)
German Foreign Policy after Bismarck Remember Bismarck is dismissed in 1890 and replaced by General Leo von Caprisi Caprisi advises Kaiser to not resign the Reinsurance Treaty with Russia ( Nicky, Willy). (violates the Dual Alliance of 1879 and the Mediterranean Agreements However, maintains an alliance with Austria and Italy. Instead, Germany will focus on an alliance with Britain. Belief: An alliance with Britain, Austria, and Italy will keep France and Russia in check.
Problem with Plan: Britain won’t play. Britain feels Germany is too unreliable and an alliance will lead to war. Germany won’t take no for an answer. Nags Britain and begins to support campaigns against Britain hoping to bully Britain into an agreement. Meanwhile, Austria is pressuring Germany for a stronger alliance and Germany must cooperate because other alliances are weak. Whole plan backfires when Russia and France sign the Franco-Russian Dual Alliance of 1894 against Germany and Austria. Britain is isolated, turns attention to colonies, hoping Russia is too distracted to support France. (they are correct in the end).
Egypt: After the fiasco over the Suez canal, France and England scramble for domination of the Upper Nile in 1898. Britain takes the Sudan region and confronts France in the Upper Nile. France realizes they are outmatched and concede the land. France is bitter, but turns their attention to Morocco and Spain. Germany is paying attention.
French Domination:
Transvaal (Boer) region: Britain controlled South Africa Britain feared eastern expansion of German South Africa because they feared they would be restricted from their own expansion north. Germany supported Boer region through financial banking and 20% of foreign investments in the region. Gold was discovered in Transvaal, under Boer government. Britain encouraged British explorers and prospectors to expand into Transvaal.
South Africa
Jamestown Raid- 1895 Unathorized raid and attempt to seize Transvaal. Failed to overthrow Boer government. Britain denied any involvement in raid, punished raiders with trials in London. (Ask me about this) Kaiser was angry at British government, felt they secretly supported the raid. Remember they have unofficial dominance here because of investments and banking. Sent a telegram congratulating and supporting Kruger and Boer Government. Later Germany sent arms and financial support to Boer government. German support upsets British. Confirm refusal to align with Germany. Develop anti-German sentiments.
Boer War Continental League could not cooperate with each other. In 1899, Boer government attacks British colonies hoping to remove British influence in area and expand into Cape region. Boer government thought they would have support from “Continental League” (France, Russia, Germany against Britain) France and Russia will not support Germany. My enemy’s enemy is my friend? Continental League could not cooperate with each other. British defeat Boer government take Transvaal.
1900’s: The Road to WWI Students will understand how Chinese Colonization in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s led to WWI (MAIN)
Create an I.D. Outline What was the Jamestown Crisis? What is Fashoda?
1891: Russia gets it going Russia begins construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Goal: Annex Manchuria, gain control of Korea (an ice free port)
Japan was in direct conflict with Russia over control of Korea. Japan wanted Korea for resources, and politics. Britain does not want to compete with Russia in China
Anglo-Japanese Treaty of 1902 Defensive alliance: Each country will remain neutral if the other country goes to war. Only intervene if a 3rd power becomes involved in a conflict. Why was the alliance signed? Who is this alliance aimed at specifically?
Russo-Japanese War of 1905 British support allowed Japan to launch a surprise attack against Russia at Port Arthur. Russia was unprepared for attack; Requested assistance from Germany and France Unstable at home (Bloody Sunday) Revolution of 1905– We’ll come back. Refused to become involved (Continental Alliance failure, did not want to tangle with Britain, Triple Entente, feared being vulnerable) Treaty of Portsmouth (August 1905): Russia withdrew from Korea and Manchuria. Negotiated by United States– becoming recognized as a world equal. Had contact with Japan already.
Anglo-Russian Agreements of 1907 Russia knows now that they cannot compete against Britain in Imperial affairs. Domestically, Russia is unstable and needs to focus on building revolution. (Baby is sick too). Russia also concerned about an aggressive Germany or Japan. Seeks cooperative agreement with Britain. Russia gave up interests in Afghanistan. Britain retains interest in Tibet under Chinese sovereignty. Persia (Iran) is divided into two zones and shared between two empires.
We’re not done with Africa yet! Students will understand how African Colonization in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s led to WWI (MAIN)
Wait… Russia and Britain are aligned? Whoa! The Entente between Russia and Britain makes France nervous, especially since Russia and France have an Entente. France seeks to strengthen relationship with Britain since Germany is untrustworthy and already way too powerful. Anglo-French Colonial Entente Cordiale is signed to settle issues in Imperial regions. This is an Agreement, Not an Alliance. Alliances require a war agreement, but none exists between France and Britain.
France accepts British domination in Egypt France gets Morocco without British interference and promises not to interfere in Gibraltar. France gives up Newfoundland interests for an exchange in West Africa. Siam (Thailand) is divided into two zones. New Hebrides is shared jointly (Condominium)
Where are the Hebrides? Scotland
So Anyway! We’re back. Germany FREAKS out over the agreements between France and Britain regarding Morocco. Why? Kaiser Wilhelm goes to Tangiers, Morocco (he was on a cruise) solely to disrupt French-Moroccan agreements. He declares that the Sultan is the ruler of Morocco and as an Emperor, he will only deal with the Sultan.
Two Moroccan Crises: Moroccan Crisis of 1905-1906 Kaiser incites Nationalistic riots and forces France to concede agreements. Algeciras Agreements France has controlling interest in Moroccan affairs. Free trade economy Moroccan Crisis of 1911 Germany challenges French domination in Morocco again and incites another nationalistic rebellion. Britain intervenes this time and scares Germany. France secretly negotiates for full control of Morocco in exchange for some territory in the French Congo.
Triple Entente British support of France, the Anglo-Russian Entente and the French-Russian Entente eventually became an official, but INFORMAL, agreement of support between these three countries. All three countries were quick to clarify that the agreement meant they would cooperate in domestic and international affairs and would defend against German aggression.