Running for the Legislature


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Presentation transcript:

Running for the Legislature

Run for the Legislature Early Preparation is the key Early decisions decide the race Know thyself Know the district

Basics- Personal Why Run…issue, community, ego? Family Job “closet” Cost Can you fundraise/will you fundraise Friends/volunteers Extrovert

Basics- Political Incumbent? Democrat or Republican district Legislative leaders Local leaders Party leaders Geography (walk neighborhoods?)

Research Consultant Polling Mail Radio TV RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH Past results Which areas vote? Local issues Polling Mail Radio TV

What type of campaign? Grassroots? Positive, negative Are you a good speaker? In shape? Self finance? Normal campaign? Meet with leaders/friends gauge support Strengths/weaknesses?

Early stuff Kick off Signs Walk cards Website/email Meet with press Fundraising

Press They Don’t care Newspapers big and small Radio Internet TV Blogs email

Running for Office

The Grind Rumor mills Not much attention Patches of no money coming in Mistakes will be made A lot of doors and phone calls

Strategies Grassroots Door to Door Phone Calls Email Personal notes Long time needed to achieve results Develops the most loyalty Anyone can do it Few actually do it


Strategies Personal Money Quick name ID Intimidating It is personal money Voter resentment Not the same “depth” of support More open to attack that works

Party Support Access to lobbyists money Instant credibility Strategies Party Support Access to lobbyists money Instant credibility Ready made system Intimidating Easier to raise money

Fundraising Most difficult for most What separates candidates Get used to NO Ask over and over Key to planning and strategy INTEREST GROUPS

GOTV Remind not introduce Absentee Ballots Early Voting Voter Follow up Build your own “pool” Volunteers

Other Stuff If not a good speaker? How to get not too extreme in getting noticed How to talk to voters not at them How to treat opposition How to react when attacked Forums How to keep up the pace?

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