3rd Grade Lesson 4 Spelling Words Long o Patterns
Long o Patterns When I see a part of a word that has oa or ow, I know it sounds like the letter o when it says its name. I know that sometimes when a word has an o, it makes the long o sound instead of the short o sound. For example: blow- boat- gold-
load I had a big load of laundry that needed to be washed! They were carrying a very heavy load!
open A store will have a sign that says they are open and ready for people to come in. The man had to open a can of food.
told My sister told me a funny secret last night.
yellow I love the color yellow!
soak You need to soak beans in water before you cook them so they are soft.
shadow Sometimes your shadow seems a lot taller than you really are.
foam It can be fun to play in foam. This is made of foam.
follow Baby ducks follow their mother to stay safe.
glow My new glasses glow in the dark.
sold When my family and I were in Mexico, we stopped at a market where people sold vegetables.
window She likes to sit by the window and look outside.
coach A coach helps the players know what to do.
almost The dog could almost reach the meat, but not quite!
throat It is no fun when your throat hurts!