Western Turkey & Aegean (wrt. Eurasia)
Western Turkey and the Aegean (wrt. Anatolia)
Frame definition through stabilization In glorg command file: apr_file itrf00_eura.apr stab_site kosg brus toul wtz1 pots yakt stab_site nyal zwen bor1 mets irkt
Frame definition by plate estimation In glorg command file: apr_file itrf00.apr stab_site clear algo yell pie1 kosg brus toul stab_site wtz1 pots yakt tskb yar1 ….(all good IGS) plate WEUR kosg brus toul wtz1 pots plate WEUR hers zwen bor1 mets joze plate MACE m108 m112 m120 m123 m124 x noplate tran Then run sh_org2vel to get velocities with respect to each plate