Fl instruction in the defense forces – the case of Macedonia BILJANA POPOVSKA, LECTURER MILITARY ACADEMY R.M.
CONTENTS Introduction 2010-2012 Tertiary Education Conclusion Literature
INTRODUCTION FL Instruction (emphasis on English) TC(ARM) HR(MOD) School for pilots(contractors) Tertiary education (MA) Other FL - Respective embassies
2010-2012 OVERVIEW - ALCPT ALCPT 2009 Participants OF NCOs Enlist. ALCPT 2009 Participants OF NCOs Enlist. Civ. Total Level I 16 149 152 2 319 II 115 391 403 11 920 III 81 158 97 5 341 IV 101 139 127 4 371 V 116 77 52 3 248 VI 231 88 43 364 660 1002 874 27 2563
Overview Completed courses 2009 р.б type level participants OF NCOs Enlist. Civ. total 1. intensive I 3 22 4 29 II 13 10 27 III 20 14 38 IV 9 16 35 V 21 33 VI 7 Total-intensive 95 41 169 2. Semi intensive 5 8 15 1 12 Total semi intensive 6 51 Total –all courses 124 47 220 Review by levels 37 23 43 85 19 61 25 40
2010 – 2012 problems & recommendations Absentees –semi-intensive courses(YES) EFL –TT(NO) STANAG –testers Training (NO) STANAG 6001 testing (NO) Improved conditions for FL Instruction(needed) Concept fro FLI-(needed) STANAG testing team(needed)
2010 – 2012 problems & recommendations Coordination between Sector - EDU and Training & Sector International Cooperation Inclusion- state civil servants in EFL training Maintenance of FLT facilities
2010-2012 Status – progress (feb2012) Continuous progress in the English language training is confirmed for the employees in ARM Successful attainment of the pilot testing STANAG 6001 in the Republic of Italy - 11 February 2011 and statistics analysis of the results. An analysis of the results from the STANAG 6001 pilot testing conducted in Perugia, Italy was done
2010-2012 Status – progress (feb2012) STANAG 6001 pilot testing successfully accomplished of the MOD of B&H in the Republic of Macedonia (28.02-04.03.2011). Final draft of STANAG 6001 test is developed based on information received after the results analysis from the pilot testing for both national sessions The first two national sessions are completed. STANAG testing is conducted in the period 11- 20.04.2011 to 45 strength, 38 from ARM and 25 of them passed, 13 did not pass, 7 from the MOD and out of them 4 passed and 3 did not pass.
2010-2012 Status – progress (feb2012) Second STANAG testing was conducted 05- 16.09.2011 to 21 strength and out of the 16 strength was from ARM. 12 from them passed and 3 did not pass. In October 2011, the new draft of STANAG 6001 pilot testing was done to candidates in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2010/12 –DOCUMENTS & EQUIPMENT The implementation of the Concept for Foreign Language Training in the Ministry and the Army of the Republic of Macedonia has started. The curriculum in English is done in appropriate study rooms (cabinets, study rooms, labs, etc) equipped with material, equipment and other tools. The curriculum is conducted in 10 language labs. (In Skopje 4, one in Kicevo, one in Kumanovo,one in Stip, one in Veles, one in Tetovo and one in Petrovec)
2010/12 EDUCATION/ TRAINING In the period 12.09. – 20.09.2011 a language workshop on the topic “Military Terminology in English course” was attained and 11 participants were part of it. In the period 12 – 16 Sep 2011 language workshop was completed “Preparation and delivering briefings in English” with 10 participants (“Goce Delcev” barracks).
2010/12 Edu. Tr. & EVALUATION In the period 12 – 20 Sep 2011 language workshop was completed “Preparation and delivering briefings in English” with 10 participants (Stip). ARM GS Training Command was the stakeholder of these activities. The ALCPT tests received from USA are used for testing. In 2011, testing and evaluation according STANAG 6001, third edition, began of the MoD and ARM employees language skills.
2010/12 PROBLEMATIC AREAS, FUNDS & FUTURE PLANS Additional equipping of the facilities for English language training is required. The funds required for this PG implementation are provided from MoD budget. Two national testing sessions – April and September 2012.
2010/12 PROBLEMATIC AREAS, FUNDS & FUTURE PLANS By reaching FOC of the Foreign language Centre and the established STANAG 6001 team, the application of the following NATO standards will be intensified: STANAG 2014, STANAG 2019/APP- 6 (A), STANAG 2020, STANAG 2437/AJP 1.0(B), STANAG 3680/AAP-6, Staff Officers’ Handbook,NATO Handbook,Bi-SC Guidelines for Operational Planning (GOP) etc. 3. Main emphasis will be given to the language preparation of the declared units personnel – primarily the Medium Infantry Battalion.
Tertiary education ECT System (MOD/selection of sets/MEdu(accreditation )/State University rules and regulations Undergraduate Studies (4yrs)FLI 4yrs.too Officers course (6months) Engl. only Problems??????????? Large classes (40+)/Books/ responsibility/ equipment/facilities/maintenance/ training WHAT ELSE????
Tertiary edu.-questioner Have you experienced this as a problem in a large class you are currently teaching? I have too much homework to mark. It is impossible to give effective feedback to everyone.” Not all students participate, due to being in a large class” It is difficult to get students’ attention to stop them working on a pair or group task. The noise level in my class is too high”
Tertiary edu.-Questioner Students in a large class often have mixed abilities. It is difficult to cater for students with such different levels and needs It is difficult to achieve rapport with the students Students' individual responses are difficult to hear
Tertiary edu.-Questioner It is difficult to promote active learning in large classes when resources such as text books, story books, flash cards, audio and video tapes are limited” It is difficult to know/use students' names in a large class” I am sometimes in despair at my inability to manage a large class” Only about ‘large classes’ (of 40+) https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/telc
Conclusions Lack of coordination between FLI stake holders STANAG testing (No-pause) Teaching & testing FL at tertiary education need financing Sometimes human decision making factors create problems Teachers need motivation Not everybody can be a teacher or a tester It’s about love, motivation, dedication and commitment
LITERATURE Here are the references to the ideas for large class teaching which are listed in the questionnaire: Peer feedback to reduce the burden of marking homework Shamim, F., Negash, N., Chuku, C. and Demewoz, N. 2007. Maximizing Learning in Large Classes: Issues and Options. Addis Abbaba: The British Council. Available online: http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/ELT-16- screen.pdf Introducing/Increasing pair work and/or group work to enhance participation. Renaud, S., Tannenbaum, E. and Stantial, P. 2007. 'Student- centered teaching in large classes with limited resource'. ELT Forum 2007/3: 12-17, 34. Available online: http://exchanges.state.gov/englishteaching/forum/archi ves/docs/07-45-3-c.pdf
Literature Establishing a code of behaviour to reduce noise level Hasan, M.F. n.d. ‘Effective teaching in large classes’. Online:http://www.uobabylon.edu.iq/uobcoleges/fileshare/artic les/large%20classes.pdf Getting written feedback from students to cater for mixed abilities Hasan, M.F. n.d. ‘Effective teaching in large classes’. Online:http://www.uobabylon.edu.iq/uobcoleges/fileshare/artic les/large%20classes.pdF Increasing your availability to enhance rapport Hasan, M.F. n.d. ‘Effective teaching in large classes’. Online:http://www.uobabylon.edu.iq/uobcoleges/fileshare/artic les/large%20classes.pdf