Welcome to Third Grade!
About Me Product of public education 21 years experience 5th, Gifted, and 3rd grade Love all things Science Married 38 years to childhood sweetheart Daughter – married, 2 children, Navy, Degrees in Homeland Security and Global Terrorism Son – married, 3 children, Navy, Degree in Applied Mathematics
Fundamental Shift in Learning! Third Grade Goals Fundamental Shift in Learning! Instead of learning to read, we are reading to learn! Independence Organization Responsibility Academic Success
Communication Class website http://dhardee.pbworks.com Weekly Class Newsletter V.I.P. Folder CUB ROAR - Graded Work Progress Reports Parent/Teacher Conferences Email: donna.hardee!@stpsb.org Phone Contact: school: 985-892-0869
Positive Behavior Rewards School Expectations Be a R.O.A.R. Student R Responsible O Organized A Always Safe R Respectful Positive Behavior Rewards PBIS parties LION Bucks ROAR Store
Class Goals/Expectations Using the ROAR model, students are expected to work to their full potential on any given day Respect others and the learning environment Goals Growth in major academic areas Work toward become independent learner with problem solving skills Perform at Basic, Mastery, or Advanced on standardized tests Master third grade standards in order to be prepared for middle school Rewards Debit/Credit System, Class Reward Binder, Auctions, Recognition Bracelets, Pawsome notes
Classroom Economy
Spotlight on Curriculum St. Tammany Parish Guaranteed Curriculum: http://www.stpsb.org/parents_curriculum.php Louisiana Department of Education Third Grade State Standards http://www.louisianabelieves.com/resources/library/academic-standards
Homework Weekly newsletters are sent home each Monday -Provides a description of all lessons to be introduced that week. -This includes word study, vocabulary, and test dates. -Available on class webpage Homework Kept to a minimum -Nightly reading passage/5 multiple choice questions -Review vocabulary (class webpage/quizlet) -Review math facts (class webpage is a great tool to accomplish this)
Reading Guide Books Resources Cajun Folktales Louisiana Purchase Treasure Island Because of Winn Dixie Resources Daily FLuency Guided Reading Groups Dibels SOAR BURST LION Group Word Study
Writing We Write Everyday! Tools: RAPS model, Rubrics, Checklists Big Idea: Identify purpose and audience
Mastery of Multiplication Facts Math Mastery of Multiplication Facts Problem Solving Hands-on Practice Number Fluency Practice Partner Games Homework (studying facts) Real-life math at home and school Daily Fluency Class webpage Flashcards
Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana Social Studies Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana Map Skills Culture Geography History Economics Resources Symbols
Science Scientific Method Vocabulary Study Guides Self Discovery/Experiments Current Events Interactive Notebooks Technology Schoolwide Science Day in Spring
Testing District Benchmark Assessments: -Fall -Spring -End of Year Dibels -Fall -Spring -End of Year LEAP
Absences &Tardiness Make-up work will be placed in absence folder has three days to make up work Not all work can be made up Send in an excuse letter After multiple absences a letter is sent home from the school/district. Remember, excessive tardiness has a negative impact on student achievement
Other Info… Birthday Treats – please provide advance notice so accommodations can be made No toys/gadgets, please No special pencils or supplies Water bottle with flip top only will be allowed Healthy snacks are allowed during independent work time ***We Are A Peanut Free Classroom*** Join PTA and become involved!
Thanks ! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning opportunities!