Engaging Absentee Landowners in Conservation Potomac Conservancy Partners: Natural Resources Conservation Service Loudoun and Lord Fairfax SWCDs, VA Eastern Panhandle Conservation District, WV
Goals and Objectives Engage at least 500 non-operator landowners in conservation through the services of a Landowner Advisor
Why Is This so Cool? Large, under-tapped audience that own a lot of land Absentee Landowner % OWNERS ACRES Delaware 32% 73% Maryland 51% 57% Virginia 42% 45% Pennsylvania 44% 37% West Virginia 35% 29% 1997 Census of Agriculture, Agricultural Economics and Land Ownership Survey (1999)
Results so Far: More than 500 landowners receiving outreach materials 75 landowners expressing interest (15%) 37 landowners requesting site assessments Leveraged FS money to raise additional $386,000 for this effort
Challenges Moving landowners from interest to action