*Practice words to know daily Class News Week of Aug. 7 Mrs. Mingledorff mmingledorff@effingham.k12.ga.us Mrs. Mallory mbailey@effingham.k12.ga.us Things to Remember Aug. 11 Celebrate short a and bring your favorite hat! Aug. 11 Word study assessment Sept. 4 Labor Day Holiday - Your child needs to read, or be read to each night. Record the books on your child’s reading log. Their goal is to have 15 books logged by the end of the month. - Students can buy Ice cream on Wednesdays for $1.00. What we’re Learning! Words with short a Addition – combining groups and making number sentences. Shared reading – The Lion and the Mouse Patriotic symbols and songs. Our Continent, Country and State Word Study – short a words like sat and man Words to know – and, be, help, you, play, with (help your child read these) You can make flashcards to work on these. Your child will need to know how to spell word study words with short a (all the words are not listed), and “words to know” words – and, you, help. Homework *Practice words to know daily Monday – Read, Practice Fry word list (sent home in back pocket of folder) Tuesday – Write 4 words that have short a. Choose one word and write a sentence. Wednesday – Read Short a and words to know sheet (front and back) Thursday – Math sheet We had a GREAT start last week! I am so happy to get to work with your child this year! AR Goal is 2 points! Weekly Schedule Monday – Art Tuesday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes) Wednesday –Technology and Library Thursday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes) Friday – Music