Of HTML, CSS and JavaScript Key Concepts All information has been cultivated from W3 Schools, my peers and my own knowledge (and my computer Science Book) Of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
HTML - Html is a language that is all about tagging. It stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. Each time you wish to have something appear on the file. You need to define it using tags: Some commonly used tags include: <h1> </h1> This will give the text a title esc feel. By giving it large text and bold font. <form> </form> This gives you access to the input commands which allow text boxes, images and submit buttons to be used.
Examples of HTML One example of HTML is “Z:\KS5\New folder\Web.html”. This is a website that has been written using HTML using a notepad. Other tags include: <p></p> this allows the user to put lots of text between the two tags and they will be displayed as a paragraph. <br></br> this will put a break between two lines.
JavaScript JavaScript is literally “an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers”. JavaScript has the power to change HTML elements. It can either hide or show content. It can also change the style of HTML using the CSS portion of the code. JavaScript can be embedded into a HTML file using the <script> tag. The quotes shows that I took the quote directly from a website. In this case dictionary.com
Examples of JavaScript <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <button onclick="document.getElementById('myImage').src='pic_bulbon.gif'">Turn on the light</button> <img id="myImage" src="pic_bulboff.gif" style="width:100px"> <button onclick="document.getElementById('myImage').src='pic_bulboff.gif'">Turn off the light</button> </body> </html> This is an example of JavaScript within a HTML file. This shows a picture of an off lightbulb and when a button is pressed it will turn on. And there is a second button which will turn the lightbulb off.
CSS Is a special type of language that has a close relationship with HTML. CSS will describe the style of the HTML. It describes how the HTML elements should be displayed within the HTML webpage. HTML defines what should be on a webpage and how big, bold etc… Where as CSS defines the more in depth version about what is on the page. It defines depth of the page and what should outline other things.
Examples of CSS background-color: “COLOUR” – This will define the background colour for your HTML file. h1 { color: “COLOUR” – This will define all text that uses the h1 tag to have this certain text colour p { font-family: verdana – This will define that all text that uses the p tag will use the same font. In this case verdana font.