State Awareness and Recruitment Campaign and Youth Advocacy Renewal Grant Reporting Tools Refresher Webinar Welcome! We will begin our webinar at the top of the hour Please have your grant data collection and reporting forms available in this order Grantee Report Tracking Sheet – Evaluation ID Assignments Knowledge Survey Instructions and Form Life Skills Assessment Instructions and Form Semiannual Grantee Report As you log on, do not be surprised if you don’t hear anyone else; participants are placed on mute in order to limit background noise
SARC and YA Renewal Grant Data Collection and Reporting Requirements Refresher Training
Your presenters Sarah Catherine Williams – Child Trends Research Scientist Coral Edward – National CASA Grants Associate
Objectives By the end of the webinar, you will be able to: Describe the requirements of the grant data collection and reporting Access the grant data collection and reporting forms online Be familiar with steps for completing the required forms
State Awareness and Recruitment Campaign Renewal Grant Purpose: 50 new volunteers (recruited, trained, screened and assigned), 132 new children 0-17 years (served), youth 14-17 improving on life skills indicators. Conduct awareness and recruitment event campaigns. Grant Period: July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 12 State Awareness and Recruitment Campaign Renewal Grantees
Youth Advocacy Renewal Grant Purpose: $20,000 award, 9 new advocates (recruited, screened, trained and assigned), 22 new youth 0-17 served. $40,000 award, 15 new advocates, 40 new youth. Youth ages 14-17 improving on life skills indicators. Conduct at least one Fostering Futures Training. Grant Period: July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 40 Youth Advocacy Renewal Grantees
Importance of Reporting To show outputs and outcomes in relation to: Volunteers Recruited, trained, activated, increased knowledge Youth Served, improved life skills, delinquency involvement and success in school
Data Collection and Reporting State & Local Programs page Reporting tools 2017 State Awareness & Recruitment Campaign and Youth Advocacy Renewal Grantee Reporting
Questions so far?
Evaluation ID numbers All volunteers and youth should have a unique evaluation ID number. No two volunteers or youth should have the same ID number. If you have two grants, the ID numbers need to be different for each grant.
Grantee Report Tracking Sheet ALL grantees need to be using the tracking sheet. Most accurate way to report information. Make sure that someone else in your organization knows where the sheet is saved. Please go to the CASA website and download the newest version of the tracking sheet.
Who should you be tracking? ALL youth/volunteers: If you renewed your grant for a second year, you should continue tracking the youth and volunteers from the previous year (from July 1, 2016) If this is your first year of the grant, then you should be tracking new youth and volunteers as of July 1, 2017 Reminder – ineligible youth should NOT be in the tracking sheet
Volunteer Fostering Futures Knowledge Survey For Youth Advocacy Grantees, don’t forget! To measure the volunteer’s understanding of advocacy and mentoring for older youth Taken before and after completion of Fostering Futures training Takes 10-15 minutes to complete Available online or by hard copy
Youth Life Skills Assessment For all Grantees! Don’t forget! To be completed for youth ages 14 and older Completed within two months of volunteer assignment to case and at one year or case closure – whichever comes first Takes 20-30 minutes to complete
Semiannual Grantee Report Reporting period: Due date: 7/1/17 – 12/31/17 January 15, 2018 1/1/18 – 6/30/18 July 15, 2018 7/1/16 -- 6/30/18 July 15, 2018 (Close-Out Report) Entered online via surveymonkey
Semiannual Grantee Report (continued) To report grantee related outputs and outcomes Report only on grant-related volunteers and youth served - volunteers recruited trained and activated and youth served as a result of this grant All fields must be number/digit Semiannual Grantee Report Instructions provide detailed instructions on completing the form including definitions for information requested
Semiannual Grantee Report (continued) Four Components: Program information Fostering Futures training information – volunteers who began and completed Fostering Futures training Volunteer recruitment, pre-service training, activation and retention Youth served information – assigned, offending and grade promotion
Grantee Narrative Report Reporting period: Due date: 7/1/17 – 12/31/17 January 31, 2018 7/1/18 – 6/30/18 July 31, 2018 Grantee narrative reports are in the same format as our traditional grantee narrative reports and will be emailed to you from our Grants Manager.
Questions? Coral Edward 800-628-3233, ext. 217 Sarah Catherine Williams 240.223.9230