The Beginning of the End Chapter 7 and 8
Headline News- Chapter 7 Imagine that you are one of the first reporters on the scene of the “accident” in front of Wilson’s Garage. In your group, create a newspaper headline title for what would definitely have been sensational, headline new. Include as much background to the story as you want to, but stay true to the events as reported in the novel. Report only what a reporter could verify from the events in Chapter 7
Roots Each group will be assigned a character Gatsby, Myrtle, Daisy, Wilson, Tom You will trace their "roots." look into background, physical appearances, desires, ambitions, characteristics, etc. Look at how Fitzgerald portrays them. What is he saying about them? You will need 8 roots, 3 with quotes or textual support. Be accurate, creative, and neat. Display the roots in any way you wish
The Roots of the American Dream Think back to our intro work- What words did we say described the early 1920s. In post war America, the vision that faith in the effort of the individual was gone. America was no loner idealist and naive, but now was bewildered, rootless, hollow, restless, alienated and cynical. Love and money are no longer separate, they are dependent on one another. Money is the expression for emotion and identity. Fitzgerald is a master at presenting these ideas and showing the failure of the ideals of the 20s Notice the idea of the love hate relationship we have with Gatsby. We see Gatsby as romantic and crass at the same time. We want to love him, but almost can't. Like many people in 1920 seeking happiness in money. It should be awesome, but it’s not.
The Couples Let’s look at some of the “roots” as we seek to understand the novel’s couples Myrtle and Tom Myrtle and Wilson Daisy and Gatsby Daisy and Tom Why doesn’t it work out?????
Gatsby’s Death P. 161-162- Let’s Read it very, very, short almost miss-able account of Gatsby's death observed only vaguely by the butler, hears only the sounds In your group complete short, quick rewrite of the death scene Compare -which account is most effective- one of ours or Fitzgerald’s Discussion/debate of this idea: The death of Gatsby confirms the idea that the American Dream is nothing but a false hope that hopeless people hold on to. " Think about these ideas as you proceed to Chapter- Gatsby’s funeral and the future. If you have already read, it would be beneficial to reread it with the new ideas we discussed today.
The Beginning of the End or The End of the Beginning?