Welcome Back to Fall Open House!
2nd Grade Teachers Ms. Martin Mrs. Pike Mrs. Bissette Mrs. Mitchell
Expectations: Students will arrive to school on time and prepared Students will complete homework each night Students will follow school and classroom rules Students will represent NES through their actions, words, and work
Class Dojo A realtime behavioral management and skill tracking tool Helps improve behavior and builds strong learning habits
PBIS- Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Each student is working to earn and keep a 90% Dojo average to earn a ticket to 4 PBIS events during the school year. Students that do not have 90% at the end of the quarter will not be able to attend. Refocus- students that are having continual behavior problems with 4 minor offenses (talking, disrespect, not working, playing) or 1 major offense (fighting, bad language, etc.) will have a 30 minute refocus session with Ms. Manning.
Reading Reading assessments used includes Dibels (fluency) and TRC (text reading comprehension) TRC Benchmark Expectations: Beginning: I Middle: K End: M These are new goals, we have a new set of test books so based off of company recommendations the goals have changed. Example, end of 1st grade/beginning of 2nd grade goal was J now it is I. Writing comprehension is no longer part of TRC!!!
Your child’s AR level is based on his/her beginning of year 3D assessment. Your child has to make 80% or higher on each AR reading test. Each student will have a reading goal based on their level. The main purpose this year is to see your child’s book range increase. MOTIVATION is the KEY! Not sure if your book is AR? Go to www.arbookfind.com to see.
Writer’s Workshop The writing process 2nd grade Writing Types - Opinion Writing - Narrative Writing - Informative Writing The writing process
Math 2nd grade students will………. Quickly add and subtract numbers up to 20 Solve one or two step word problems by adding or subtracting numbers to 100 Add and subtract three digit numbers Measure lengths in standard units Break shapes into same size squares Divide shapes into halves, thirds, and fourths Solve word problems using information presented in a bar graph Write equations to represent addition of equal numbers
Life Cycles and Organisms Science Matter Sound Weather Life Cycles and Organisms
Social Studies Geography and Environment Government and Communities Economics Citizenship
Homework Math Worksheets Weekly Fluency/Comprehension Passage (with questions) Read 20 minutes- Be sure to read Accelerated Reader books ON your child’s level to meet their monthly goal.
Thank you for coming out. Let’s Have a Great Year!